Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Season 1: Episode 6: Every Night Is Another Story

Karen is getting ready to go to a small business league meeting and asked Luke which dress she should wear: the red or the black.  Luke decides on the black but also mentions that Keith is going to be her date.  She said that it is not a real date and that they are going as friends.  She then asks Luke, "Why, did Keith say something?"  Luke responded with, "Not a word."

During their first away game, Luke and Nathan get into a fist fight on the court.  They were both kicked out of the game.  On their drive home, Coach Whitey made the bus pull over and kicked Luke and Nathan off the bus to take a 30 mile walk back home together and think about what they pulled that night.

While they are walking, a car pulls up and a guy inside asks if they want a ride.  Nathan goes to the side of the car and gets pulled in.  Luke went into the car willingly to make sure that Nathan would be safe.  They made Nathan and Luke take all their clothes off except their boxers and walk into a convenient store and buy random items written on a list.  They wrote 'ravens suck' on their backs.

Meanwhile, when the fight happened during the game, the guys ran into the cheerleaders and hurt Brooke's ankle.  She convinced the college-aged assistant to the sports doctor to give her medication for it.  She ended up getting pretty looped up and hilarity ensues.

Lucas ends with: "As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment.  And sound stopped, and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment and then the moment was gone."


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season 1: Episode 5: All That You Can't Leave Behind

Peyton is stopped at a green light and drives through town once they are all red.  We'll learn about this later.
Meanwhile, Haley admits to Luke that she is tutoring Nathan so he will leave Luke alone.  Luke wants her to quit tutoring him, but Haley said she can't because she made a promise to Nathan. 

There is a father/son basketball game and so Lucas asked Keith to play with him and he said yes.  There was an article on the front page of the newspaper about Dan Scott and his two sons.  Luke is sick of having to carry the Scott name and so he is seriously considering changing his name to his mom's last name: Lucas Roe.  Karen and Keith both don't want him to change his name just because Keith also carries the last name Scott. 

Peyton is struggling because it is the week that her mother died.  She was on her way to pick Peyton up from school and was running a little late so she ran a red light and was struck by another car and lost her life.  It had been 7 years since she died.

During the father/son basketball game, Dan became a little too competitive and shoved Nathan down to the ground to keep him from scoring.  He proved that he is a real ass, even to Nathan.  Dan seems to think that Nathan can never be as good of a basketball player as he is.  Nathan let the dads' win to prove a point to his father: he can never beat Nathan. 

At the end of the episode Luke says: "John Steinbeck once wrote: It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world."


Season 1: Episode 4: Crash into You

This episode starts off with Dan telling Nathan to not let Lucas get the ball during the next game that night.  During the game, Nathan's wing man Tim passed the ball to Luke and Nathan got really pissed.  After the game, Nathan invites Luke to the after party at his beach house.  During the party, Brooke invites Luke to play the drinking game "I never."  While playing, Nathan said that he has never had a dad that wished he was a stain on the bed sheets.  Luke played it cool, walked over to him and said, "Then you're welcome to mine."  After a while, Nathan sees Luke talking to his girlfriend Peyton outside and gets jealous.  He puts in the tape of Luke's mom Karen and their dad Dan's Snowball court king and queen speech.  Lucas stormed off right after shoving Nathan into the wall.

Nathan gave Haley a ride home in Peyton's car.  While Nathan was driving back to the party, he crashed the car by sideswiping a parked vehicle and then running into a utility pole.  Lucas was following the car because he thought that Peyton was driving and she had been drinking and was concerned for her safety.  Nathan walked away from the accident and Luke decided to tow the car to Keith's Auto Body Shop to fix it himself.  He did not want Peyton to get in trouble for Nathan's stupidity and carelessness.  Peyton breaks up with Nathan because she was finally able to see the ass he truly was to everybody the night before; including herself.

Luke looked into the car later on and noticed that Haley's hat was on the seat.  He tells Nathan to stay the hell away from Haley.  This finding creates friction between the two best friends at the very end of the episode.  Luke asks if Haley would be completely honest with him and tell him if anything was going on and she responded with yes.  Luke pulled out her hat and told her, "You left this in Peyton's car."  OUCH!

  - XOXO K.C.

Season 1: Episode 3: Are You True?

This episode starts with Lucas shooting the last ball and NOTHING BUT NET!!!  He wins the game for the Ravens!!!  Brooke told him while she was half naked in the back of his car that everything has changed and he is now popular.

A little later, Luke is in the shower at school and someone takes his towel and clothes away so he walks around holding two balls strategically placed. 

Sorry Coach Whitey is dubbed into a different language for this scene.  It was the only one I could find to use in the blog.  This is what he says though: "I was just getting used to low-waist jeans.  Lets go ball boy."

Peyton went and talked to the editor of Thud magazine and he said that he loved her work but they wanted her to twist it into a more peppy, happy-type comic strip.  She went to the rivercourt to tell Lucas thank you for submitting her art work, but she declined the offer.

Poor Luke is dealing with a lot of hazing from the team.  Nathan is unfortunately making it personal.  Him and the team trashed the rivercourt.  While Luke was on his way to meet up with Haley at the movie theatre, he was kidnapped by the team and driven to a remote location.  They threw him into a mud puddle and left him there to walk home.  

Nathan, in the mean time, is struggling in English and asks Haley to be his tutor.  She struggles with the answer that she'll give him but finally decides that it is in Luke's best interest to tutor Nathan.  She had two conditions: 1) That Lucas never finds out that she is tutoring him and 2) That Nathan leaves Lucas alone.

Peyton went back to Thud magazine and told them that they would be making a mistake if they didn't use her own raw material and said that it was their choice to use it or not but that she wasn't changing it to meet their criteria.  

Luke ended with this quote:  "E.E. Cummings once wrote: To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.

Peyton received a voice message from the editor of Thud magazine telling her that they decided to run her comic strip in their next issue.  

   - XOXO K.C.

Season 1: Episode 2: The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most

Lucas is now a part of the varsity basketball team.  The second episode starts off with Luke's first game.

I love Haley!!!  She is hysterical!!!

Luke does not do very well.  It seems like the pressure is getting to him because he keeps missing baskets and so Coach Whitey made him take the bench.  It is a big let down for him and Nathan is beyond pleased.

Nathan is an absolute jerk to his girlfriend Peyton.  After the game they were making out in the car and he started laughing mid-make out because he couldn't stop thinking about how bad Luke choked.  Peyton got upset and got out of the car.  Nathan drove away and left her.  Later on he called and told Peyton that he wanted them to go back to the way they were and be okay again.  She agreed over the phone, but was drawing this at the same time: 

Luke is upset with his mom that she wasn't there to support him during his first basketball game.  She decided to keep her cafe open later instead.  They had  a discussion on their porch and Luke found out that the gym is where Dan told his mom that he wasn't staying in Tree Hill and was going to leave her and go to college instead.  It was too hard for her to face that place where everything changed.

Meanwhile, Peyton's car broke down during the first episode and Luke towed it to Uncle Keith's Body Shop.  Luke discovered a book of Peyton's art and looked through it.  Peyton caught him and got upset that he was looking in her stuff.  She had a letter written to Thud magazine which was across the street from Karen's Cafe and later on Luke saw her throw her drawings into the garbage in front of Thud.  He grabbed them out and was later at Keith's Auto Body Shop when Peyton came to pick up her car.  He showed her that he pulled out her drawings.  He asked her why she won't submit her drawings to Thud and she responded with:

"I want to draw something that means something to someone.  You know, I want to draw blind faith or a fading summer or just a moment of clarity.  It's like when you go and you see a really great band live for the first time you know and nobody is saying it but everybody is thinking it.  We have something to believe in again.  I want to draw that feeling but I can't.  And if I can't be great at it, then I don't want to ruin it.  It's too important to me."

Luke stopped going to practice.  Coach Whitey found Luke at the rivercourt and told him that he had until tip-off of the game the next day to still be a part of his team.  He then said one of my all time favorite quotes about fear:

"Look, son, there's no shame in being afraid.  Hell, we're all afraid.  What you got to do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it you can beat it.  Better yet, you can use it.  Think about it."

In this episode Haley also taught me how to figure out my porn name.  You take the name of your first pet and then your mother's maiden name and that is what your porn name is.  Luke's is Rocket Roe and Haley's is Bunny Bergaard and mine is not so cool: Bailey Kari.

Luke says: "Do not let your fire go out spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all.  Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never been able to reach.  The world you desired can be won.  It exists.  It is real.  It is possible.  It is yours."

He shows up to the game to play and Karen took the night off to watch.  Luke related to one of the pictures that Peyton drew:

He told Peyton at the game: "Hey. Your art matters.  It's what got me here."


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Season 1: Episode 1: Pilot

Since this is the first episode ever to air, they focus on introducing the characters.  It begins by showing how Nathan and Lucas are both playing basketball.  Nathan in the school varsity game and Lucas at the basketball court with his friends at a park.  They both win their games.  Nathan is found to be a trouble maker by stealing the school bus for a joy ride.  While Nathan is driving the bus his girlfriend Peyton is on her way home and almost runs into Lucas who is walking home from his basketball game.  At the same time, Nathan almost runs into a train.  After the train is gone, there is a police officer parked on the other side with their lights on.  Most of the basketball team gets reprimanded and kicked off of the team for the rest of the season.  Nathan, somehow, was saved.

I absolutely LOVE Coach Whitey's quote: "The inmates will not run the asylum."

Lucas' Uncle Keith goes and talks to Coach Whitey about him having Lucas play on the varsity team.  They go for a little drive to the park and watch Lucas playing with his buddies.  Coach Whitey then talks to him at school and Lucas turns down the offer. 

Skills doesn't want to be his excuse, harsh but true.  It makes sense to me, but it sure must be tough to get involved with something you love and have to deal with someone you despise at the same time. 

When Lucas gets home there is a package for him at the door.  It is his own basketball jersey.  His mom walks past him while he is wearing it and tells him to take it off.  They then talk outside on their step.  His mom Karen says that maybe he should play on the team and then she tells him: "You're a good kid Luke, but sometimes I feel like you're sitting out your life on account of me and I don't want that for you.  My past is not your future, okay?"

Dan is such an egotistical asshole.  I started to despise him the first episode when he said that to Nathan.  How could a father be so cruel to one child but not the other?  It makes no sense...

Nathan goes to the park, known as the rivercourt, and challenges Lucas to a one-on-one basketball battle.
Dan is nervous because Nathan said that if he lost, he would quit the team. 

Who wins???  Watch the last clip and find out!!!

At the end of the episode, Lucas is reading a book and says this: "There is a tide in the affairs of men.  Which, taken at the flood leads on to fortune.  But omitted and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.  On such a full sea are we now afloat and we must take the current when it serves or lose the ventures before us." 


One Tree Hill Marathon Intro

I am such a HUGE One Tree Hill fan!  Major, ridiculous...yeah!  So, their farewell season is starting January 11th, 2012, so I am going to re-watch every episode for the THIRD time!  I am also going to write down in the blog for each consecutive episode parts and information that I find intriquing! WARNING: IF YOU HAVE NOT WATCHED ONE TREE HILL AND PLAN ON WATCHING ONE TREE HILL DO NOT READ THESE BLOGS!!!  So, shall we start???


Lucas and Nathan Scott:

Nathan is on the right and Lucas is on the left

They are brothers from two different mothers who have grown up to despise each other.  They also both grew up in the same town.  Nathan is rich and grew up with their dad and Lucas is more on the poor side and grew up with his mother.

Dan and Deb Scott:


Dan is Lucas and Nathan's father.  Deb is Nathan's mom and Dan's wife.  Dan is known as being a backstabbing jerk and wanted nothing to do with Lucas when he was growing up.  We'll learn more about them during the marathon posts.

Karen and Keith:

Karen is Lucas' mother.  Keith is Dan's brother.  After Karen found out that she was pregnant, Dan left but Keith stayed in her life as a supporter and friend and played more of a father figure for Lucas.

Coach Whitey Durham:

Coach Whitey is the High School Varsity basketball coach.  He coaches Nathan who is known as the star player of the team.  He also coached Dan Scott when he was in High School.

Brooke Davis and Peyton Sawyer:

Best friends and cheerleaders for the varsity basketball team.  Brooke is a prom queen, rich girl.  Peyton is the darker, artistic, and music fanatic.  Peyton is dating Nathan and Brooke is a free spirit when it comes to men.

Haley James:

Haley is Lucas' best friend.  She is also my favorite character!  I love her and her heart and her strength.  She is very smart and is eventually known as 'tutor girl.'

Sunday, December 18, 2011

I Hear Wedding Bells!!!

This is just a HUGE congratulations post for my girl Britney Spears!!!  Her boyfriend of two years, Jason Trawick, proposed Thursday night!!!  I am so excited for her to have found love and wish them and their little family the best life together!!!  She seems to have found a real man who treats her with respect and helps keep her grounded.  I truly hope their love for each other lasts forever!  She deserves it!!!

This last picture is my all time FAVORITE of her and her boys Sean and Jayden!!!

They SO love their mommy!!!


Friday, December 16, 2011

Congratulations to ME!!!


It has been a little more than two months since I last wrote on here!  I have been busy with my last semester of College: working on papers, exams, etc.  Well, I did it!!!  I am an official graduate!!!  I walked in my graduation ceremony exactly six days ago!  YAY ME!!!

My Dad had told me that he wouldn't be able to go to my graduation.  I was fine with it and I understood because he lives in Texas and I am all the way in Minnesota.  When I was already lined up to walk into the ceremony a staff member from my college walked over and said my name.  After I responded, she then told me to come with her.  I'll be honest, I was nervous!!!  I thought I was in trouble or something!  She then brought me to this little window and showed be flowers that were on the counter and preceded to tell me that they were mine.  She had printed a card that she told me to open.  THEY WERE FROM MY DAD, and I instantly started bawling like a little baby.  My Dad got me two dozen roses.  One dozen were yellow and the other dozen were pink.  My school colors were purple and gold so my mom assumed that he was trying to match the school colors as close as possible.  The card said something to the effect of:  "This is such a big day.  I am so very proud of you.  Congratulations!  Love you, Dad."  It was one of the sweetest surprises that I have ever received!!!  It meant a lot to me!


My mom, boyfriend, grandma, grandpa, uncle, great aunt, great uncle, and godmother were all there to support me!!!  I was a nervous wreck and really did not want to walk.  I did it for my family.  I am ultimately glad that I did though.  It was an experience that I would have regretted not being a part of.  After graduation we headed back home and on the way stopped at a wonderful little restaurant called Emma Krumbees.  One of the best places to go for good ol' home cookin.'  Seriously, I love this place!!! 


That is it for now!!! - XOXO K.C.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Two months!

Today is two months to the day that I graduate from College!!!  Finally having my Bachelor's degree is going to feel so rewarding!  All of my hard work will soon pay off and I am so looking forward to graduation day on December 10!!!  No longer will I have to live in this stupid, small dorm room with loud immature neighbors!  No longer will I have to stay up and work on homework until 3 in the morning!  No longer will I have to go to class!!!  No longer will I have to be away from the love of my life!  No longer will I have to be away from my friends back at home!  No longer will I have to be away from my kids (furry, feathered, hooved, or human)!  I am starting another chapter in life and it.........is............going.............to..............be..................AMAZING!!!  I can't wait!  But, I have to go work on homework because unfortunately I still have two months left......haha!  - XOXO K.C.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stay away from McGraw-Hill eBookstore!!!

I am so flippen frustrated.  All I want to do is pass my last class NEEDED to graduate, yet I'm being given materials that don't work!  My Business Policy & Strategy class is the last class needed for my Human Resources Major.  I feel like I am being defeated by technology!  I try to access the stupid eBook on their website under my personal 'bookshelf' and it doesn't load!  I paid damn near $100 ADDITIONAL for this ridiculous service!  Don't even get me started on Connect!  Connect won't grade the mathematical portions of our assignments!  DUMB!!!!  I know this is probably a boring post from me for you guys to read but this seriously upsets me.  I just want to do well and get my degree finally after 4 and a half years!  Is that too much to ask?!?!   
                                                  - XOXO KC 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This was my response to a short reading for class today:

Patti See’s story about having to commute to and from college is all too familiar for me.  I drive down to college Monday mornings and stay in my single-person dorm room until Thursday afternoons.  After my class is done on Thursday at 12:15pm, I pack up my things and trek back home to Maple Grove, MN to work Fridays through Sundays at the local Wal-Mart.  I take my customer service position extremely seriously and enjoy it for the most part.  Some days I could definitely live without the crabby customers that decide to take their bad days out on me, but I try not to complain. 
I don’t mind the hour and a half drive.  I have done it for most of my college years.  My boyfriend is up there too so I get to see him every weekend for a few hours here and there.  It’s better than nothing at all I suppose, but I miss him every day I am away.  I can’t wait to be done with school in December.  My heart won’t have to ache, and no longer will I have to try to drown out my emotions to focus on assignments and studying.  On my drives home I don’t think about what my professors talked about in my classes though.  I normally have my Ipod hooked up to the stereo with my tunes playing on random.  To be completely honest, I just want to be done with school.  I am so sick of being alone down here, and I’ve been to enough class rooms having to do with math to make me physically ill!  Calculators and crib sheets are my best friend in that department.
Patti also mentioned that she felt like a loner and could never seem to fit into the college crowd.  Ever since I can remember I have never felt like I fit in anywhere.  In elementary school I was the number one person to pick on.  I was being raised by a single mother who struggled daily on financial obligations.  We were the term ‘poor’ and my clothes proved it; mostly sweat suits until I got into 5th grade.  We went shopping and got me a couple pairs of jeans.  I naively believed that I would be accepted due to this minimal change.  I was sadly mistaken. This bruised my little ego a lot more, because now they were digging at my personality.  I did have two best friends back then; Caitlin and Martha.  All three of us were part of the ‘out’ crowd.  I would have chosen their friendship over the acceptance of the rest of the students in a second.  They were my rocks along with my black and white Shih-Tzu Lady who was there for me anytime I needed her.  She finally left us a week before she turned 15, when I was 18 years old.  I still speak to Caitlin to this day.
Junior High was a lot better.  I was still being teased by a handful of students but had a small crowd of my own friends.  I remember a girl named Tracy going around telling her friends that she was going to kick my ass.  I’ve always been a lover and not a fighter so I was petrified.  When I went home that night my mom taught me how to punch using a pillow as my target.  She told me that if Tracy throws the first punch to not hold back and that if I get suspended she’ll take me out shopping.  The shopping part sounded fun, but I was still terrified about the physical part.  To my relief, she was all bark and no bite.
High School was even better.  I was known as one of the top singers in school and was part of the top choir.  I was what I call a ‘floater.’  I got along with almost everybody from different clicks.  There was one particular girl, Olivia, who was a Charlotte Church wannabe with the biggest jealousy bone towards me.  Not to sound cocky or anything, but I am a better singer than her.  I didn’t rub it in her face, but my gift still obviously took a toll on her ego.  I remember auditioning for a solo and getting chosen for the part.  She was so upset that she was going around and telling everyone that Mrs. Lausche made a mistake because she was made for that part.  How conceited, and in denial, can you get?  It still blows my mind!
Then there was College.  My freshman year was amazing!  I hung out with a group of 25 or more people!  It was probably the best year of my life!  Then, by the time my sophomore year came around, half of them dropped out, graduated, or moved home.  The end of November 2010 I lost a college friend due to a one car rollover accident in her home town.  That was extremely devastating; still is.  Whenever I hear “If I Die Young” by The Band Perry I still break down and cry.  23 years is just not long enough.  The only friend that I hang out with is Sam.  She is a new mother of a handsome 7-month old little man named Brayden.  If it wasn’t for Sam, I would feel completely alone down here at college.  I only am able to see them Monday nights, but at least it is some type of interaction.  I am so shy when I first meet people that I feel like someone has to pry my mouth open with a tweezers.  It’s not fun, and I’m pretty sure it has something to do with the way I was treated by my peers when I was growing up.  I know I’m a sweet and honest person so, why do I let my insecurities get the best of me?  It’s so agitating, but I don’t know how to stop it.  I am so worried about what people think of me that I can’t fully live the way I’ve always wanted to; as an extrovert.  

Monday, August 29, 2011

7 Years

Today will always be a really sad day for me.  On this day right before the start of my Junior year in High School, my best friend's mom Tracey succumbed to Pancreatic cancer.  This date haunts me every year.  I will never look forward to another year passing without her here; another rotation of the sun. 

Every time this day comes again, I think about going and seeing her at the hospital a week before she left us.  That day is still by far the hardest day of my life.  I wholeheartedly considered her my second mom and my love for her was incomparable to most.  That day I knew I had to say goodbye.  The cancer was terminal and she was fading fast.

"Mommy Tracey" was unlike any other woman I have ever had the pleasure to know.  She was loving to the point where her heart was always wide open for any individual who needed her.  Whenever you needed someone to talk to, cry on, or laugh with; she was always there.  She was also blunt and straight to the point when she needed to be; which I loved and embraced!

Let's not forget how strong she was.  She was a single mom with two children (my best friend and her older brother).  She worked her ass off even when she was feeling ill a few months before her death.  Nobody knew about her cancer until about a month before her passing.

I pretty much lived at Tina's house back then.  I remember late one night Tracey came home with a huge box FILLED with an array of White Castle burgers.  Tina and I were pretty excited when she walked through the door with all that food!

There was also one night where Tina and I were hanging out at a Coffee Shop (called Segue) and Tracey picked us up.  Back then Tina and I were both into punk and rock music.  While we were driving away, a group of our friends were outside hanging out and Tracey noticed this.  With a big grin on her face she BLASTED rap music while we drove past the crowd of friends while waving to them laughing her ass off!  It was so embarrassing, yet REALLY funny at the same time!

I remember Tracey and Tina forcing me to watch The Temptations movie.  It was like pulling hair with me, but they didn't give up!  Ever since watching the movie I have been hooked!  Seriously, The Temptations are one of the BEST groups ever!!!

I remember being in some retail store with Tina and Tracey and Tracey finding two identical stuffed animal dogs that resembled their Rottweiler Jacob.  She bought them for us girls.  We had this silly baby talk language that we would use when talking to the dogs and so we named the dogs Duh Bah and Duh Udda Bah; "The Baby" and "The Other Baby."  I never realized how much I would value a stuffed animal.  It's my favorite!

There are many more amazing memories with Tracey.  Going to the Tradesman to sing Karaoke, singing in the car as a group, auditioning for Midnight at the Apollo, and just plain hanging out and watching movies. 

I miss her every single day.  She was taken away from us way too early.

The beautiful Mommy Tracey

Tina, if you read this, no one compares to you.  You are the bestest friend that a girl could ever ask for!  I love you!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Hey dog, your owner's an IDIOT!!!

I rarely ever watch the news but I decided to watch it last night.  During the middle of the broadcast, they told the public about a 'pet owner's scare.'  Do you want to know what the "scare" was about?  It honestly made me LIVID!  Like a dumbass would, she left her dog in her vehicle with the windows rolled down for "only" twenty minutes.  When she came back the dog was barely moving so she had to rush it to the vet.  The poor thing almost died because of her stupidity!  But if you were a good pet owner like myself, you would know that you NEVER leave a dog unattended in a burning HOT vehicle.  It doesn't matter if the windows are rolled down or NOT in this fricken hot as hell weather.  Your animal WILL be too hot!  Another part of this whole "news" report was that the reporter said that there has been 5 deaths this summer due to dogs being left in their owner's vehices.  I mean honestly, how DUMB can you BE?  People like that don't even deserve to have pets!  As you can tell, this really upsets me.  I wish that I could lock them into a burning hot car and see how they react!  - XOXO K.C.

New York Approves Marriage Equality

I have always felt very strongly about this issue.  I have multiple family members who are homosexual so this is a topic that is near and dear to my heart.  Nobody should ever feel like they can't be open and love who they want to love.  Everybody deserves love, and I don't believe for one second that God would want any of his children to suffer.  I don't believe it's a sin.  Love should never be considered a sin unless it began with adultery. 

This is just a short little blog.  My main purpose for this was to show you all two photos from the first day of gay marriages in New York!  My friend Kristen had posted a link on Facebook of 60 photos taken of gay couples who were just married in New York State!

Via AP
I love this one because the wife is so elated!
She's also wearing a rainbow bracelet!  I just noticed that!
Image source
I love that they are dressed the same, but my favorite is the rainbow flowers!
View the other 58 pictures HERE

Just one more thing.......

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Missed Opportunities....NO MORE!

"I Learned That: Opportunities are never lost; someone will take the ones you miss."

Last night I was going through my e-mails and I had received one of those stupid forwarded messages.  I was tempted not to read it but decided to check it out anyways.  It consisted of a whole bunch of 'I learned that' quotes.  This is the one that stood out to me the most.

For so many years I have not believed in myself due to other people's negative opinions.  I have always struggled with not feeling good enough.  Not anymore!  My insecurities, and people,  have controlled my life for too long!  Now I am taking the reins and I already took my first leap!

I'm not letting anybody take away my opportunities..........ever...........again!   


Friday, July 8, 2011

Reasons Why You Should Watch One Tree Hill!

There's cat fights!

It has funny moments!!!

There's Drama!!!

But most importantly...there's romance!

Brulian (Brooke and Julian)

Leyton (Lucas and Peyton)

Saved the best for last...Naley!!!  (Nathan and Haley)

Here's a love mix! Haha!

One Tree Hill IS love.  I think that is why it is my favorite show, because I am such a hopeless romantic.  WATCH IT!  I promise that you will not be disappointed!  There's something for everyone!  Thank you for watching!  Talk soon!!!! - XOXO K.C.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Celebrity Rehab

I have my own addiction. I watch Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew Pinsky like it's going out of style!  I have never missed an episode since the beginning.  For one, I adore that man.  I think that he has a heart of gold and wants everybody who struggles with addiction to be substance free.  I also love the fact that it shows celebrities as normal people going through sensitive, honest struggles.  It reminds me that they are just like us in more ways than one.

I got off work last night at eight o'clock and decided to stretch out on the couch and relax while watching some shows.  I watched the brand new episode of The Kardashians, and then the new show Ice loves Coco.  After those two thirty-minute shows were done, I was surprised when I saw Celebrity Rehab come on!  At first I thought it was an old episode, but then I noticed that I didn't recognize the first celebrity.  It was quite exciting for me! Here are the new rehab members:

Amy Fisher

I remember my mom talking about her when I was younger.  She is known as the 'Long Island Lolita.'  When she was a teenager in the '90s, she was having an affair with a married man named Joey Buttafuoco.  She went to prison for six years for shooting Joey's wife in the head.  His wife did survive the attack, however half of her face is paralyzed and she is partially deaf.  Amy admitted to Dr. Drew that during that time she was consistently on drugs, which he said could have very well affected her psychotic reaction that night.  

She is now married and a Mom of three.  In order for her to "survive" she is an adult entertainment "porn" star.  Her substance of choice is alcohol.  She learned while talking to Shelly that she does in fact black out when she drinks.  In order for her to perform her job, she has to be inebriated.  That tells me that she actually does not like being a porn star.  I wouldn't either.  When she spoke to Dr. Drew, she seemed extremely distant about her feelings.  It'll be interesting to see what happens!

Bai Ling

I don't know too much about Bai Ling.  All I know about her is that she is an actress and she's kind of out there in the personality department.  She is an alcoholic, but she won't admit it yet.  She told Dr. Drew that she possibly drinks to make herself more fun and fearless.  Otherwise she is very shy and reserved.  I already consider herself quite intriguing!  It will be interesting to learn more about what makes her tick!

Jeremy Jackson

Oh Jeremy Jackson.  How I used to fantasize about you when I was a little girl.  I watched Baywatch just for the fact that you were in it!  Little did I know that you were a coke and sex fiend back then!  What have you done to yourself?  He has been sober for six years from cocaine, however he has now become obsessed over having a perfect body.  He is taking an assortment of steroid injections and pills.  He even told Dr. Drew that one of the steroids that he takes is actually given to Cows right before they are slaughtered.  Unbelievable right?!?!  I am so looking forward to watching his recovery.  He really needs it!

Michael Lohan

He is mostly known for being the father of an A list actress who's life is spiraling out of control; Lindsay Lohan.  The tabloids (and LiLo) have constantly talked bad about Michael, however I think that they're wrong.  When he was talking to Dr. Drew he seemed extremely honest and genuine.  I hope that finally the public will be able to know the true story from his point of view. He is an alcoholic and cocaine addict just like his daughter.  I'm excited to hear what all he has to say!

Sean Young

I don't know too much about Sean Young.  I do know that she is an Actress and that I've seen her in a lot of different movies like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.  She also recently competed in the reality show Skating with the Stars.  I watched half of the first episode and lost interest!  It was so dumb!  But anyways, she's an alcoholic.  She seems real sweet but a little off her rocker.  Not as bad as Bai Ling though!  Over the past few years she has had several career setbacks due to her drinking habits.  She was thrown out of the Directors Guild of America Awards Ceremony for hasseling one of the nominees.  After that incident she put herself into Rehab in 2008.  I think she feels this is the last resort.  Time to get your life back Sean!

Last but not least the return of....
Steven Adler

Steven is a returning addict from Celebrity Rehab.  He was a part of the second season as well as a part of Celebrity Rehab presents: Sober House.  He is known as the drummer in Guns N' Roses.  After his drug addiction took over his life, he was kicked out of the band.  He has suffered two strokes.  I fell in love with him at the start.  He is such a sweetheart when he is not on drugs.  Key words: when he is NOT on drugs.  After Celebrity Rehab he went on to live in the Sober House.  He struggled daily on not doing Heroine.  He was eventually arrested for possession and use of heroine while still in the Sober House.  Right before his arrest, he turned on his house mother Jennifer emotionally and physically.  This season Dr. Drew has decided to bring him back.  Jennifer is now working at the Pasadena Recovery Center.  Shelly pulled Jennifer aside and warned her that Steven was going to be there sometime that night.  Jennifer started having a panic attack.  She says that she will never recover for what happened to her.  She thinks Steven is an absolute monster while on drugs.  I think the most drama will be between Steven and Jennifer, but I really hope that he is able to finally sober up and be the nice man that I once fell for in the beginning!

*There are two more patients that will be shown next week: Dwight Gooden and Jessica "Sugar" Kiper.

If you are interested in watching Celebrity Rehab: Season 5 it is on VH1 on Sundays at 9:00 PM central time!

Celebrity Rehab Website

Thank you for reading - XOXO KC



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Music Videos

Music videos today have barely any meaning to them, especially the rap and r&b ones that are just hootchie mommas showing off WAY too much skin and booty!  I was driving home from work last night and an old song was on the radio that INSTANTLY brought me back to the music video!  The music videos that I appreciate the most are the ones that are like mini movies.  They have a story line and they appreciate different aspects of life and the struggles people endure.  This blog may be short in words but I hope that the videos I post will speak WAY louder than anything else I could add!

Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks
This is the song that was on the radio last night!

Warning by Incubus
One of my all time favorite songs!  The meaning is so powerful, and they made the video just as strong!

Savin' Me by Nickelback
Another strong message...that life is precious and we all have a clock.

The Chain of Love by Clay Walker
It's simple.  If you pay it forward and others follow in your footsteps, you all will make a major difference.

Unpretty by TLC
Love yourself for who you are!  I was 11 when this video was first shown, absolutely blew me away!!!

You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
Feel-good love story.  The ending gives me goosebumps everytime!!!

Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship featuring Leighton Meester
This storyline has an AWESOME twist!!!

Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
Beautiful imagery!!!  What is your interpretation?

That's it for now! Thank you for reading (but mostly watching!) - K.C. XOXO

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why does he have loser friends?

This little paragraph was found in the December 2006 Cosmopolitan magazine:

"It's annoying when your guy's pals lack ambition, self-discipline, or social graces, but you can't expect all of his buds to be buttoned up.  'Men have different friends for different reasons, and some of the ones you don't like may have ties to him from way back,' says John Van Epp, PhD, author of How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk.  If you nag, he'll stand up for them out of loyalty.  One warning: If he defends their bad behavior, he may be more like them than you'd like to think.  'There's some validity to the adage that birds of a feather flock together,' says Van Epp.  But unless he starts acting like a doofus too, try to deal."

I have dealt with this type of issue in the past with my boyfriend's friend.  He seems to lack a lot of class, however I am guessing that is because of who his mother and stepfather are.  I will explain them in a blog a little later.  I guess the saying is true, "monkey see, monkey do."  His parents steal from retail stores and pretty much anything they can get their hands on and he learned this disgusting quality from them.  But anyways, I just figured I would share because this small article interested me when I read it just now!

Fun-filled day today, I've got my cousin Cody's graduation party to go to!  Should be fun!  So proud of him for graduating with honors!  I will blog about my day yesterday a little later! - K.C. XOXO

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Definitely, Maybe!

I am currently sitting on my couch watching a gorgeous man on the television screen.  Who other than Ryan Reynolds?  Okay, maybe it could have been Johnny Depp too!  They are SOOO sexy!!!

YUMMY!!!  Talk about the hottest men on the planet!!!  However, they are also amazing actors!!!  They are both my favorite!!!  Okay so, let's get back on track.  I am watching Ryan Reynolds in the adorable movie Definitely, Maybe on FX.  I have only seen the movie once before but I fell in LOVE with it!  Ryan plays a Dad who is telling his daughter his love story before bed time one night, and she is supposed to guess on which girl turns out to be her Mother.  The most adorable child star plays his daughter, Abigail Breslin!
Near the end of the movie we learn that her Dad and her Mom are in the middle of a Divorce.  They go to the zoo as a family and then she leaves and goes back with her Mom.  While they are walking their separate directions, Abigail runs up to Ryan while yelling "Dad" and they both stopped in their tracks.  

Abigail: "Thank you for telling me the story." 
Ryan: "I forgot to tell you the happy ending." 
Abigail: "What is it?" 
Ryan: "You."

That, in my opinion, is what any parent should tell their child!  People could learn from this movie! 


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dad's home!

I am sitting in the basement of my step grandma and grandpa's house in Waseca. For the first time in over a year my dad, his wife Bonita, and my half sister Bailey have come home to visit. I drove down here yesterday evening because I had today and yesterday off from work. They are going to be driving up to the cities tomorrow and will be up there until Sunday morning. I have to work Wednesday and Thursday and Sunday so I decided in order for me to see them more I would drive down here. My little 15 year-old sister is pissing me off because she hasn't said more than 5 or so words to me since I got here. It's not important to her that her sister is visiting...her IPhone is the most important part of her life at the moment I guess. So rude!!! Oh well, her loss!!! I promise I will blog more soon! My bestie Tina was giving me crap about my lack of blogging lately. Ta Ta for now!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Hometown Girl Dreams Big!

Hey everyone!

Sorry I haven't written on here for a few weeks.  I have been busy getting my finals completed as well as moving back home.  I am home now, and I wanted to talk about a girl I met at my work a week or so ago. 

Her name is Erica and I am guessing she is the same age as myself, 23.  We got to talking and she told me that her dream is to be a clothing designer.  She is moving from our humble Minnesota to Los Angeles where her father lives to go for her dream whole-heartedly.  She was so sweet and I wish nothing but the best for her!  I have a lot of respect for her leaving everything that she knows and feels comfortable with in attempt to achieve her dream.  That takes a lot of confidence and gusto!!!  I wish her well!

What's this blog's motto kiddos??  Never give up on your dreams!  Believe in your dreams with all your heart!!! 

I do!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Goodbye Aunt Jo!

4 months.  On April 18.  4 months to the day that my Great Grandmother passed away I lost another important woman in my life.  My Great Aunt Joanne.  Needless to say, I am extremely devastated.  I am still working on getting over my Gram's passing, and now God decided to add another death?  For what?!?!  I was talking to my Grandma Monday night and she told me that each death makes us stronger.   Well, how long does that take?  Because I do not feel stronger.  Only weaker and more vulnerable.  I feel like crawling into my own little hole and staying there...forever.  Her 74th birthday would have been yesterday.  It just amazes me of how quick everything happened.  Her disease took over full force.  I know that her last couple years were probably not very good for her.  She was diagnosed with dementia and slowly and steadily started losing her memory, mostly short term.  The family had to move her into a memory care unit and my grandparents took the role of parents to her dog Charlie.  I can't even imagine what it would feel like to realize that you are, in fact, losing your mind.  The disease would sometimes make her hateful too.  She was never aggressive but, would get into that type of mood at random times.  There were always good days and bad days, and we always cherished the good.  Then, I would have to say about two weeks ago, she started to not be able to swallow her food as well.  As it progressed, she ended up not being able to eat at all and she was bed ridden by Saturday, 4/16.  I worked 11-8 on Sunday and my mom showed up with tears in her eyes.  I went and found my Manager and asked her if I could leave for a few hours and Mom and I went to visit Aunt Jo.  The next evening at 8:50 she was gone.  This Saturday I am forced to say goodbye to one of the sweetest, funniest women I have ever known. I am so blessed to have had her in my life for my 23 years of life.  She's no longer suffering and that is a relief, but it doesn't mean that it's not hard.   

Aunt Jo, Mom, and Jo's brother/my Grandpa

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

College stressors

I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders right now.  I have so much crap on my mind!  I'm worried mostly about school.  Last night I took a test that I feel extremely uneasy about.  Thursday morning I am taking my second test for Central Banking which, is surprisingly, a really hard class!  I have two group projects that I have to complete.  But, to top it all off, I have a 50-page paper that I have to have completed by the beginning of April!  Yes, that's right, a 50 page paper!  YIKES!!!  I have changed my business to write the paper on THREE TIMES now.  I am hoping that this last one sticks because I really have to get cracking on it!  It's so tough to juggle all of my classes and the time to spend on each one!  I decided to take 18 credits (which is the most you can take without approval) for the third time in my College career.  It seems to me that the longer you are in college, the harder it gets!  Luckily, if all goes well, I will only have to take 15 credits during my last semester to accomplish graduation.  I just hope that I can get through this semester first!   

Lucky Fish

One thing that I have pride in about myself is how big of a heart I possess.  This is a short little story that happened Sunday that shows you a snippet of how emotionally invested I am with the world!

I'm not sure if I have ever spoke about my work.  If I haven't, I work at a retail store in the Customer Service area.  We handle money transactions, but our top priority are returns.  There was a woman who came in to return a dead fish that she had purchased around two weeks ago.  She had mentioned to me that she was going to go back and buy another one.  I finished the transaction and told her to have a great day and she went on her merry way.  Not even FIVE minutes later, she came back and told another one of my associates that she had just purchased the wrong color fish.  I then intervened and let the customer know that we are not able to put the fish back into the fish tank.  We will have to dispose of it and I really did not want that to happen.  She seemed concerned as well and made a quick phone call only to tell us that (the person on the phone) didn't want that color.  Apologizing over and over again, she left and headed towards the fish tanks yet again.  I picked up the plastic bag to my eye level and looked in it only to see this beautiful, tiny neon pink fish!  My break time was a couple minutes after that and so I called my Mom and asked her what she thought about the idea of me taking it home with me!  We decided almost immediately that this lucky fish was coming home with me!  Mom and I then decided to buy two more fish to keep the pink one company!  We gained three REALLY COOL fish and three got a home and one life was saved! 

By the way, I decided to name the pink one Sweetheart, the yellow one Sunshine, but I'm not sure about the third one.  It is a peachy color!  Any suggestions?!?!

So, I suppose you'd like to see what type of fish I got?  Well, they are called Glow Fish and they look like this:

This one looks like Sweetheart!

This one looks like Sunshine!

Thinking of the name Neoni!