Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why does he have loser friends?

This little paragraph was found in the December 2006 Cosmopolitan magazine:

"It's annoying when your guy's pals lack ambition, self-discipline, or social graces, but you can't expect all of his buds to be buttoned up.  'Men have different friends for different reasons, and some of the ones you don't like may have ties to him from way back,' says John Van Epp, PhD, author of How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk.  If you nag, he'll stand up for them out of loyalty.  One warning: If he defends their bad behavior, he may be more like them than you'd like to think.  'There's some validity to the adage that birds of a feather flock together,' says Van Epp.  But unless he starts acting like a doofus too, try to deal."

I have dealt with this type of issue in the past with my boyfriend's friend.  He seems to lack a lot of class, however I am guessing that is because of who his mother and stepfather are.  I will explain them in a blog a little later.  I guess the saying is true, "monkey see, monkey do."  His parents steal from retail stores and pretty much anything they can get their hands on and he learned this disgusting quality from them.  But anyways, I just figured I would share because this small article interested me when I read it just now!

Fun-filled day today, I've got my cousin Cody's graduation party to go to!  Should be fun!  So proud of him for graduating with honors!  I will blog about my day yesterday a little later! - K.C. XOXO

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