Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season 1: Episode 5: All That You Can't Leave Behind

Peyton is stopped at a green light and drives through town once they are all red.  We'll learn about this later.
Meanwhile, Haley admits to Luke that she is tutoring Nathan so he will leave Luke alone.  Luke wants her to quit tutoring him, but Haley said she can't because she made a promise to Nathan. 

There is a father/son basketball game and so Lucas asked Keith to play with him and he said yes.  There was an article on the front page of the newspaper about Dan Scott and his two sons.  Luke is sick of having to carry the Scott name and so he is seriously considering changing his name to his mom's last name: Lucas Roe.  Karen and Keith both don't want him to change his name just because Keith also carries the last name Scott. 

Peyton is struggling because it is the week that her mother died.  She was on her way to pick Peyton up from school and was running a little late so she ran a red light and was struck by another car and lost her life.  It had been 7 years since she died.

During the father/son basketball game, Dan became a little too competitive and shoved Nathan down to the ground to keep him from scoring.  He proved that he is a real ass, even to Nathan.  Dan seems to think that Nathan can never be as good of a basketball player as he is.  Nathan let the dads' win to prove a point to his father: he can never beat Nathan. 

At the end of the episode Luke says: "John Steinbeck once wrote: It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world."


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