Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Season 1: Episode 2: The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most

Lucas is now a part of the varsity basketball team.  The second episode starts off with Luke's first game.

I love Haley!!!  She is hysterical!!!

Luke does not do very well.  It seems like the pressure is getting to him because he keeps missing baskets and so Coach Whitey made him take the bench.  It is a big let down for him and Nathan is beyond pleased.

Nathan is an absolute jerk to his girlfriend Peyton.  After the game they were making out in the car and he started laughing mid-make out because he couldn't stop thinking about how bad Luke choked.  Peyton got upset and got out of the car.  Nathan drove away and left her.  Later on he called and told Peyton that he wanted them to go back to the way they were and be okay again.  She agreed over the phone, but was drawing this at the same time: 

Luke is upset with his mom that she wasn't there to support him during his first basketball game.  She decided to keep her cafe open later instead.  They had  a discussion on their porch and Luke found out that the gym is where Dan told his mom that he wasn't staying in Tree Hill and was going to leave her and go to college instead.  It was too hard for her to face that place where everything changed.

Meanwhile, Peyton's car broke down during the first episode and Luke towed it to Uncle Keith's Body Shop.  Luke discovered a book of Peyton's art and looked through it.  Peyton caught him and got upset that he was looking in her stuff.  She had a letter written to Thud magazine which was across the street from Karen's Cafe and later on Luke saw her throw her drawings into the garbage in front of Thud.  He grabbed them out and was later at Keith's Auto Body Shop when Peyton came to pick up her car.  He showed her that he pulled out her drawings.  He asked her why she won't submit her drawings to Thud and she responded with:

"I want to draw something that means something to someone.  You know, I want to draw blind faith or a fading summer or just a moment of clarity.  It's like when you go and you see a really great band live for the first time you know and nobody is saying it but everybody is thinking it.  We have something to believe in again.  I want to draw that feeling but I can't.  And if I can't be great at it, then I don't want to ruin it.  It's too important to me."

Luke stopped going to practice.  Coach Whitey found Luke at the rivercourt and told him that he had until tip-off of the game the next day to still be a part of his team.  He then said one of my all time favorite quotes about fear:

"Look, son, there's no shame in being afraid.  Hell, we're all afraid.  What you got to do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it you can beat it.  Better yet, you can use it.  Think about it."

In this episode Haley also taught me how to figure out my porn name.  You take the name of your first pet and then your mother's maiden name and that is what your porn name is.  Luke's is Rocket Roe and Haley's is Bunny Bergaard and mine is not so cool: Bailey Kari.

Luke says: "Do not let your fire go out spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all.  Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved but never been able to reach.  The world you desired can be won.  It exists.  It is real.  It is possible.  It is yours."

He shows up to the game to play and Karen took the night off to watch.  Luke related to one of the pictures that Peyton drew:

He told Peyton at the game: "Hey. Your art matters.  It's what got me here."


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