Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dad's home!

I am sitting in the basement of my step grandma and grandpa's house in Waseca. For the first time in over a year my dad, his wife Bonita, and my half sister Bailey have come home to visit. I drove down here yesterday evening because I had today and yesterday off from work. They are going to be driving up to the cities tomorrow and will be up there until Sunday morning. I have to work Wednesday and Thursday and Sunday so I decided in order for me to see them more I would drive down here. My little 15 year-old sister is pissing me off because she hasn't said more than 5 or so words to me since I got here. It's not important to her that her sister is visiting...her IPhone is the most important part of her life at the moment I guess. So rude!!! Oh well, her loss!!! I promise I will blog more soon! My bestie Tina was giving me crap about my lack of blogging lately. Ta Ta for now!


  1. sounds like typical bailey. I've never met any of them but I always hear some sort of bratty thing about the little sister. Can't believe she's 15. I remember when she was like 8! =O

    Well its good that you get to see them though! Would it be weird to have you tell them I said hi even though they don't know me? haha


  2. No it's not weird to say hi! I was hoping that they would have been able to finally meet you but, it doesn't seem likely since they have only been up in the cities since yesterday and they will be going up to my aunt and uncle's cabin on Sunday...oh well...next time! Again...lol!


Any opinions?