Tuesday, January 18, 2011

True Love in Tuscon

This elderly couple first started dating when they were in the 6th grade.  They then moved on to different paths in their lives and were both in 40 year long marriages.  They reunited through a cousin after both of their spouses had passed away and fell in love again shortly after. 

They both attended the Congressional Outreach Event at a street corner in Tuscon.  A 22-year old man, Jared Lee Loughner, attempted to kill innocent people that day.  When he was going on a killing spree the 76-year old husband, Dorwan Stoddard, shielded his wife, Mavanelle, from the bullets by covering her on the ground.  Unfortunately, he was killed that day along with many others who lost their lives or who were severely injured.  That is true love though isn't it?  Risking your own life to save the one you love?  It is tragically beautiful! 

Dorwan, you made the ultimate sacrifice for the woman you love.  You are a true hero!  Rest in Peace!

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