Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm a ball of stress!

I always try to keep my cool, but it never seems to work for long.  There is always something that makes me stress out to the highest degree.  For instance, in just a couple hours, my friend and I are co-hosting a baby shower for our other friend!  And at this point, I am completely stressing out over a whole bunch of things regarding the party.  Are we going to have everything ready in time?  Did we buy everything that we need?  What other two games are we going to choose?  Is everybody going to have fun?  Should I change my clothes?  What prizes should we buy?  I'm sure there's many more questions that are running around in my mind at the moment however, those are the ones that popped out to me the quickest.  Hosting a baby shower should be fun!  It should be something to be looking forward to.  Trust me, I am SUPER stoked to be doing this for my friend.  I love her and she deserves the best shower ever.  But I think that's what my problem is.  I expect TOO much!  It's not that I don't believe in myself.  I do.  But, I always worry.  I'm a huge worry wart and I constantly over analyze everything in my life.  Even ask my boyfriend!  He absolutely hates it!  I feel better venting about this on here though.  It makes me feel a little less stressed out.  My biggest deal right now is that I want to be throwing her a party that she is going to love.  It will be fun.  I know it will.  I just wish that my mind would calm down and realize that everything will be fine...and to just enjoy the PAR-TAY!  I'm guessing that is wishful thinking but, we'll see!!!  

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