Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fame Has Feelings

Right now I am watching one of my favorite shows Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and a thought popped into my head.  Fame has feelings too.  What do I mean by that?  Well, the famous people everybody hears about are real people just like us.  The only difference is that their jobs involve being in the public eye 24/7.  Something that really bothers me about my peers and just the general public is that they feed off of the negative media about these people.  The reality of it is that most of the media construe their information into tales that are "more interesting."  I admit it, I used to be hooked on the magazines that creates that garbage.  Star, OK!, Life & Style, Us, InTouch...they were all magazines that I used to read religiously and I believed all of their fabrications.  Until one day I started reading Lynne Spear's (Britney Spear's Mother) book Through the Storm.  In one of the chapters she spoke about how during a flight she was sitting next to a really nice individual and they started to talk.  It turned out that the person worked for one of the above trashy magazines and they wrote out a fabricated version of their conversation.  I remember reading that story in that magazine and I also remember believing every single word of it.  Until a year or so later when I read the excerpt in her book.

I highly recommend it if you want to know the truths!

It's not just magazines that are doing this.  It's all media and even just attention-craved people.  They do cruel things...extremely hurtful things.  The one that pisses me off the most involves an actress from my favorite television show One Tree Hill.  Her name is Bethany Joy Galeotti and she is amazing!  She is an actress/musician/director.  She does it all!  She is expecting a child right now with her husband Michael.  Some low-life ass hacked into her e-mail and leaked her extremely private Ultrasound pictures on the internet.  It's people like that who are making the world a scary place to live in.  The ones that have no sympathy towards the people that they are hurting.  It's pitiful.  Here is the beautiful and talented woman who was wrongfully targeted.

Beautiful Joy pre-baby!  Isn't she adorable?!?!

Here's Bethany Joy (on the left) with her adorable baby bump and co-star Shantelle!
It sickens me to think that people feed off of the negative aspects of people's lives.  Lindsey Lohan is going to rehab.......again, Britney Spears locked herself in the bathroom,  Lady Gaga's actually a man, Jennifer Hudson's family was murdered.....do people seriously need to hear traumatizing personal information about people to live vicariously?  We need to stop the nonsense.  It's nobody's business.  They have hearts like us, they bleed like us, and they cry like us.  They are us.

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