Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Last Spring Semester

I can't believe that I am almost done with my bachelor's degree!  It still feels like graduation is a million years away though!  I officially started my last Spring Semester on Monday!  I am going to be extremely busy with papers and group presentations!  I have now been taking courses that are specific to my Major and the higher up I get, the harder the work is!  For instance, I am freaking out right now because in my Staffing class I have to write a 5-0 page paper!  YEAH!!!  50 PAGES!!! How in the hell am I supposed to accomplish that?!?!  I know what will not help accomplish that...procrastination!  I am the absolute worst when it comes to procrastinating!!!  It's tough when I am going to college, not because I really want to, but because I feel I should.  College is my 'back-up plan' I guess you could say.  My next class is in thirty minutes and I just feel like passing out on my futon instead!  My body is not used to this schedule again and it kicks my ass every time I come back to college!  Oh well, I will survive!  My last official semester will be this Fall!  So, I am almost done!  I might possibly get my Masters degree as well though.  I've been pondering that since last Fall!  Hm, should I?  Oh, by the way, the Baby Shower was a success!!!  It turned out great and I was really proud of my friend and I throwing such a good party!  Go us!  Well, that's it folks!  I might post later on this evening!  I have class at 11 and then at 2!!!  ::sighs::   

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