Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tears are Beautiful!

There are so many people who are taught not to cry because it shows a sign of weakness.  I think that is an incorrect statement.  I believe that crying shows the exact opposite...strength.  Tears are not always sad.  They show intense happy emotions too.  I have two photos that were taken during very special occasions to show how tears are beautiful!


My friend Kim just became a new auntie to two beautiful twins!  This is her holding one of them during their first meeting!  You can definitely tell in her eyes that she was so emotional that she had been, or was still, crying tears of joy.  That's beautiful! 

A family friend, Amy, just got married to the love of her life.  When I was looking through her wedding photos I was blown away by this picture.  It is her now husband Erik's reaction to seeing her for the first time in her wedding gown.  It is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen in my whole life.  What he is thinking is read through his eyes.  To me he's thinking: she takes my breath away and I am the luckiest man in the world to be able to love someone so amazing for the rest of my life.  This photo is definitely something to treasure!  I suppose you want to see the beautiful bride to know what he was looking at too huh?  Okay, well here she is:

Joyful tears are beautiful because the moments that create them are timeless. 

Fame Has Feelings

Right now I am watching one of my favorite shows Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and a thought popped into my head.  Fame has feelings too.  What do I mean by that?  Well, the famous people everybody hears about are real people just like us.  The only difference is that their jobs involve being in the public eye 24/7.  Something that really bothers me about my peers and just the general public is that they feed off of the negative media about these people.  The reality of it is that most of the media construe their information into tales that are "more interesting."  I admit it, I used to be hooked on the magazines that creates that garbage.  Star, OK!, Life & Style, Us, InTouch...they were all magazines that I used to read religiously and I believed all of their fabrications.  Until one day I started reading Lynne Spear's (Britney Spear's Mother) book Through the Storm.  In one of the chapters she spoke about how during a flight she was sitting next to a really nice individual and they started to talk.  It turned out that the person worked for one of the above trashy magazines and they wrote out a fabricated version of their conversation.  I remember reading that story in that magazine and I also remember believing every single word of it.  Until a year or so later when I read the excerpt in her book.

I highly recommend it if you want to know the truths!

It's not just magazines that are doing this.  It's all media and even just attention-craved people.  They do cruel things...extremely hurtful things.  The one that pisses me off the most involves an actress from my favorite television show One Tree Hill.  Her name is Bethany Joy Galeotti and she is amazing!  She is an actress/musician/director.  She does it all!  She is expecting a child right now with her husband Michael.  Some low-life ass hacked into her e-mail and leaked her extremely private Ultrasound pictures on the internet.  It's people like that who are making the world a scary place to live in.  The ones that have no sympathy towards the people that they are hurting.  It's pitiful.  Here is the beautiful and talented woman who was wrongfully targeted.

Beautiful Joy pre-baby!  Isn't she adorable?!?!

Here's Bethany Joy (on the left) with her adorable baby bump and co-star Shantelle!
It sickens me to think that people feed off of the negative aspects of people's lives.  Lindsey Lohan is going to rehab.......again, Britney Spears locked herself in the bathroom,  Lady Gaga's actually a man, Jennifer Hudson's family was murdered.....do people seriously need to hear traumatizing personal information about people to live vicariously?  We need to stop the nonsense.  It's nobody's business.  They have hearts like us, they bleed like us, and they cry like us.  They are us.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


What is a WubbaNub?  Has anybody heard of it before?  Well, it is a cute and unique pacifier for infants!  I've been on a baby kick when searching online for things because one of my best friends is having her first child the end of February.  The cool thing is, someone posted this link on Facebook and that's how I found it!  Click on the picture to go to the site!

HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!  The infant will be comforted even more with a soft little stuffed animal attached to it!  And they have a bunch of different ones!  I think the price for each is around $15 so it is definitely affordable as well! 

It's basically like getting two different items in one.  Once your baby is done using the pacifier you can just cut it off and then they will still have their little plush companion!  LOVE THIS!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

True Love in Tuscon

This elderly couple first started dating when they were in the 6th grade.  They then moved on to different paths in their lives and were both in 40 year long marriages.  They reunited through a cousin after both of their spouses had passed away and fell in love again shortly after. 

They both attended the Congressional Outreach Event at a street corner in Tuscon.  A 22-year old man, Jared Lee Loughner, attempted to kill innocent people that day.  When he was going on a killing spree the 76-year old husband, Dorwan Stoddard, shielded his wife, Mavanelle, from the bullets by covering her on the ground.  Unfortunately, he was killed that day along with many others who lost their lives or who were severely injured.  That is true love though isn't it?  Risking your own life to save the one you love?  It is tragically beautiful! 

Dorwan, you made the ultimate sacrifice for the woman you love.  You are a true hero!  Rest in Peace!

The Kindness of Strangers

There are so many random acts of kindness still in this world.  It's hard to believe sometimes but it's true!  Whenever I receive an act of kindness from a stranger I am going to dedicate a blog about them.  So, here is the first stranger story...

Thursday afternoon I was sitting in my car and already had everything I needed to bring home with me in my back seat.  I started my car and began to back out of my parking spot when my car got stopped....by the snow.  I put my car back in drive to go forward to attempt to get out but, it was official, I was stuck.  A guy, walking back to the dorms, walked over to my window and asked if I wanted a push.  Within just a couple seconds I was out.  He walked away from me right away so I yelled out the window "thank you!"  He looked over his shoulder and waved nonchalantly.  I know it's just a small gesture but because of him, I wasn't stuck in the way of everybody else.  I would have been panicking too, but he didn't even give me time to do that!  Thank you kind stranger!  Your help was greatly appreciated! 

1 Month

I was on Facebook reading other people's statuses just now when one from Amy stated how she has been married for 1 month today!  That's awesome news for her and Erik but the thing is, is that means it's also been a month since my Great Gram passed away.  At 1:03 in the afternoon it will be official.  One month already...I can't believe it.  I've been doing so well but now that I realized this I feel my heart hurting again.  This really sucks...  

Life isn't the same without my Gram!  Miss you pretty girl!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

High Traffic Murder

This is going to be a more gloomy type of post.  I have been listening to little snippets of the 'Tragedy in Tuscon" and it made me think....what if someone was murdered in a high traffic area with nobody else around?  How would they be able to find who the murderer was?  For instance, say someone was in Wal-Mart or some other big retail company and, for some odd reason, nobody else was around.  Maybe the store was already closed...who knows.  The murderer knew what they were doing and killed cleanly and meticulously...but they forgot about one thing...to wear gloves.  Now, think about how many people are at a big retail store each day...500 or more right?  They're touching everything and checking different products out so there are fingerprints all over the place.  So, when the investigators come in to gather evidence, how will they know which fingerprints are which?  Do some fade with time?  Can they tell how long the fingerprints have been there?  It's just some random question that popped into my head yesterday.   

Is cheating sometimes acceptable?

I know a man who has been married for...I'm guessing quite a while.  They have three children and he's a GREAT guy...except for ONE BIG exception....he is a  serial cheater.  Now, I wrote a blog a week or so ago about cheaters.  I can't stand when people do that.  I don't think that there is any reason for it.  Well, a while ago I was talking to this man about it and he told me that, in his country, it is a way of life.  He is from Africa.  If that's the way of life from where he grew up....does that make it okay even though he's living in the United States?  I have been pondering that issue and I honestly don't know the answer.  I don't think anybody does.  It's just a fact of opinion. His wife has no idea about the other women that he is or has been with.  Well at least she didn't.  They are now starting to go through a divorce.  It's a tough thing to talk about.  Should he be penalized for something he grew up with and learned from his community?  I think so.  I don't think anybody should be able to have an excuse for hurting someone they supposedly "love."  Just like the old saying "If someone jumped off of a bridge would you do it too?"  It's the same concept.  If someone cheats does that mean that you will too?  It's just an excuse!  It's not like the people in his African country forgot to teach him right from wrong.  He KNOWS that he is doing something wrong otherwise his wife would have known all along! So, what do you think about this subject?  Is it acceptable because of the circumstances...or is it just an excuse???  

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just a quick post!

So, I am super stoked because I FINALLY figured out how to make my 'welcome to my blog' area EQUAL ON BOTH SIDES!!!  It was quite easy actually!  Haha!  But anyways, my best friend decided to start a blog on here as well!  She's http://www.tina-nicole.blogspot.com/!  Check her out!!!  She does amazing photography/editing!  I went on her blog tonight and looked at how beautiful her blog was and it made me want to re-design mine...I'm terrible at that...CONSTANTLY changing stuff and so forth!  I just wasn't ever really satisified with my first design and so...yeah!  But, I AM IN LOVE WITH MY NEW DESIGN!  Even with how A.D.D. I am when it comes to re-designing my stuff...I might actually surprise myself and keep this for a while!!!  I.....am......in....love!  Yay!  Okay, now I suppose I should go and work on what I should have already been doing....homework....night!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

God Bless The Broken Road!

I started off falling in love pretty early in life.  It all started in 2nd grade.  I had a crush on a boy in my class.  He was the tough tree-climbing type and I was smitten!  My mother went on a field trip with us.  He was in our group.  During lunch he walked up to my mom and asked her permission for him to be my boyfriend.  Up until 7th grade we were 'dating' on and off.  We were just kids but I honestly believed that we were going to be together for the rest of our lives.  He ended our puppy love relationship by calling me and telling me that he had found another girl who was better than me.  Teasing from friends as well as himself ensued until he went to a different High School.  The boy's name was Max.

When I was a teenager I fell for a leather-dressed, long-haired rocker.  We were together for around 7 months and I thought I loved him. It scared me to death.  We were the 'it' couple which also put on a lot of pressure for me to have a perfect relationship.  I started to retreat and push him away by criticizing every aspect of his personality.  Yes, he was a year or so younger than I was so he was immature, but I treated him poorly just because I was petrified.  I was getting too close to a man and I wasn't ready to give my heart completely away.  I did not want him to stomp on it.  The teen's name was Nate.

I dated a man who was emotionally abusive for six months before I started College.  All we seemed to do is fight and it got to the point where he would start to get physical.  Not terribly though.  He would shove me or grab my wrists and squeeze pretty tight.  I met him through Myspace.  He was moving into his sister's townhouse a town away from me and lived in Orange County, California at the time.  Me being such a 'I love love girl, I started falling for him before I even met him.  Our short-lived relationship turned tumultuous quickly and it was all down hill from there.  It got to the point where I would want to get violent towards him.  I found myself throwing stuff at him.  I think me compromising my own morals and values is what scared me the most.  I have never been violent before.  This man's name was Cory.

When I was dating Cory, his older sister was the Human Resource Manager for Home Depot.  She got me a job there as a cashier.  I was only there for around 4 months but it was well worth it.  I met another cashier there.  Her name was Kim and we became fast, close friends.  We were both with jerks too so we had that in common as well!  After I quit Home Depot it was pretty much time for me to start College.  I moved down there to the dorms and a month or so later I received a message on Myspace from a man I have never seen before.  His name was Jacob and he went to High School with Cashier Kim!  For a couple months we messaged each other back and forth.  I was extremely cautious due to my last Internet experience but I was really into this mystery man.  It also helped a little bit that Kim already knew him and basically grew up with him for a while.  We were talking daily when, out of the blue, he stopped sending messages.  I found out later that during that time he was dating some girl. 

We finally decided to meet the beginning of December of 2007.  We were going to meet at a bar and restaurant but I was riding along with Kim and Jared and for some reason, I can't remember why, we were late.  Jake thought that he had been ditched and so he called his brother and decided to meet him and his girlfriend and his girlfriend's sister up at a bar that is attached to the bowling alley.  Eventually Kim, Jared and I figured out where he had gone and we drove up to meet him there.  I will never forget how nervous I was.  He was intimidating to me due to how handsome he was just in his pictures online!  How was I going to be when I finally met him in person?  Well, in just a couple minutes I was going to find out!  We parked and started walking in.  I could feel the sweat slowly building up in my palms.  The bar was to the immediate left of the front door.  Kim walked in first and I trailed behind.  On the right, they were all sitting in a booth.  They got up from their area and started walking towards the door to leave pretty much right way.  They all wanted to go to a pizza restaurant and bar that was having karaoke that night.  The last person to leave was Jake.  I was ahead of him and he walked over to me and said, "Hi, I'm Jake.  Nice to finally meet you."  Instantly my knees became weak.  He was the most gorgeous man I had ever met in my whole entire life!  Once we got to the pizza bar I was so nervous to the point that I barely even spoke to him the whole time we were there!  Because of that, I didn't think that there was even a remote chance that we would ever be together.  Boy was I wrong!  Here is our first picture taken the first night we met at the pizza bar:  

During my first winter break, I found myself hanging out a lot with Kim and Jake.  The more I was with him, the more I wanted him to be mine.  The night of December 21st, 2007 we became an official couple.  We were together for a happy 6 months when, out of the blue, he told me that he wanted to go on a break.  At first he said that it would only be for a month but, after nine months of waiting, I started giving up on us.  It was one of the hardest times in my life.  He really made me fall hard.  Harder than any other relationship I had ever been in.  Just when I was about to give up, he asked me back out on April 25, 2009.  I was ecstatic yet very cautious at first!  I was very scared that he was going to break my heart again.  He hasn't and I am so glad that I gave him a second chance!

Jacob is the best guy that I have ever been with.  I love him with all of my heart and I honestly don't know who I would be now without him by my side.  I never knew what love really was until I met him.  He compliments me all the time without me having to remind him to.  He buys me gifts randomly to surprise me.  When we get into little arguments he feels bad and comes back with flowers to apologize.  He gives me kisses and cuddles and big bear hugs.  He holds me tight when I am upset, letting me cry sometimes hysterically into his shoulder.  He is, with no doubt in my mind, my better half.  The man I could see myself marrying in the near future.  The man who I could see being the father of my child or children.  The man I could visualize growing old with.  My man forever and always...hopefully!  

On April 25th, 2010, Jake and I celebrated our first anniversary.  We went to the zoo and then went out to eat!  See, that's something that I really love about our relationship too!  We don't have to spend lots of money and go lots of places.  We are perfectly content going to a free zoo or renting movies at home and snuggling on the couch.  Just as long as we spend our time with each other then we are perfectly content!  Here is a picture from our one year anniversary!  I'm wearing the earring and necklace set that he bought me!  We were in the parking lot of the zoo:

Just before Christmas, the love of my life surprised me with a beautiful diamond heart promise ring!  It's worth almost $600!!!  Needless to say, he spoiled me rotten with that purchase!  My mom says that it's a promise for a better ring in the future!  Haha!  She's funny!  But it's never been about the money for me.  It's about the commitment.  The next step towards engagement.  I need to feel comfortable and safe and he always makes me feel like that.  Here's my promise ring:

The coolest thing about all of this, is that if I wouldn't have been with the jerk of a boyfriend Cory, then I never would have worked at Home Depot.  If I never worked at Home Depot, then I would have never met Kim.  And if I never have met Kim, then Jake would have never found me in her friends on Myspace and we wouldn't be the madly in love,  cheesy couple we are to date!  It's funny how things work out!  God bless the broken road that led me straight to you baby!  I love you forever and always! 


                            Your Baby Girl!     

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Last Spring Semester

I can't believe that I am almost done with my bachelor's degree!  It still feels like graduation is a million years away though!  I officially started my last Spring Semester on Monday!  I am going to be extremely busy with papers and group presentations!  I have now been taking courses that are specific to my Major and the higher up I get, the harder the work is!  For instance, I am freaking out right now because in my Staffing class I have to write a 5-0 page paper!  YEAH!!!  50 PAGES!!! How in the hell am I supposed to accomplish that?!?!  I know what will not help accomplish that...procrastination!  I am the absolute worst when it comes to procrastinating!!!  It's tough when I am going to college, not because I really want to, but because I feel I should.  College is my 'back-up plan' I guess you could say.  My next class is in thirty minutes and I just feel like passing out on my futon instead!  My body is not used to this schedule again and it kicks my ass every time I come back to college!  Oh well, I will survive!  My last official semester will be this Fall!  So, I am almost done!  I might possibly get my Masters degree as well though.  I've been pondering that since last Fall!  Hm, should I?  Oh, by the way, the Baby Shower was a success!!!  It turned out great and I was really proud of my friend and I throwing such a good party!  Go us!  Well, that's it folks!  I might post later on this evening!  I have class at 11 and then at 2!!!  ::sighs::   

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'm a ball of stress!

I always try to keep my cool, but it never seems to work for long.  There is always something that makes me stress out to the highest degree.  For instance, in just a couple hours, my friend and I are co-hosting a baby shower for our other friend!  And at this point, I am completely stressing out over a whole bunch of things regarding the party.  Are we going to have everything ready in time?  Did we buy everything that we need?  What other two games are we going to choose?  Is everybody going to have fun?  Should I change my clothes?  What prizes should we buy?  I'm sure there's many more questions that are running around in my mind at the moment however, those are the ones that popped out to me the quickest.  Hosting a baby shower should be fun!  It should be something to be looking forward to.  Trust me, I am SUPER stoked to be doing this for my friend.  I love her and she deserves the best shower ever.  But I think that's what my problem is.  I expect TOO much!  It's not that I don't believe in myself.  I do.  But, I always worry.  I'm a huge worry wart and I constantly over analyze everything in my life.  Even ask my boyfriend!  He absolutely hates it!  I feel better venting about this on here though.  It makes me feel a little less stressed out.  My biggest deal right now is that I want to be throwing her a party that she is going to love.  It will be fun.  I know it will.  I just wish that my mind would calm down and realize that everything will be fine...and to just enjoy the PAR-TAY!  I'm guessing that is wishful thinking but, we'll see!!!  

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Let me start off by saying that I don't understand the whole concept of cheating.  There is no reason for it.  If you don't want to be in a committed relationship, then BREAK UP or get a DIVORCE before you jump into someone else's bed.  It's just not right!  I also believe that when people cheat they are making a silent statement that says I DON'T REALLY LOVE YOU.  I don't think that there is a possibility for someone to cheat on someone they truly LOVE.  It's IMPOSSIBLE in my world! 

So, why the sudden aggressive cheater freak out?  I just found out that a friend of mine's wife is advertising herself for perverted men through a specific site.  THE KICKER?!?!  And, excuse my french when I say this but....HE'S IN THE FUCKING ARMY!!!  This man, your husband, is fighting for everybody's freedom INCLUDING YOURS and you're cheating on him left and right with random disgusting hussy searchers?!?!  GET BENT!!!

The sad thing is she's not the only wifey or girlfriend that is messing around on their military men.  Cheaters in general tick me off but when the SOLDIERS are involved, well, then I get PISSED!  My boyfriend was actually a part of the military for a couple years and I would have NEVER cheated on him if he ended up getting deployed.  Those little girls that do that are completely WEAK!  Alright, I can't talk about this anymore.  I just want to say one last comment.


What is your take of cheating?

If you were being cheated on by the person you are with would you leave them or would you stick with them and try to work things out?