Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lynette and Tom Scavo

I have a new show obsession.  Desperate Housewives!  I know what you're thinking, 'but Desperate Housewives hasn't been on for years.'  Yes, but I have Netflix and decided to watch it, and I am now starting on the final season. 

If you have watched Desperate Housewives, then you know who Lynette and Tom Scavo are.  I know that they are just characters on a television show but, I, in a way, look up to their relationship.  They have five kids and have survived plenty of MAJOR hardships in their lives together.  They're amazing.

Now, lets fast forward.  I just finished watching the last episode of season 7.  It was horrible!  They decided to separate.  The past couple episodes they have been constantly fighting and it was inevitable but, I always thought that they were strong enough to survive ANYTHING. 

The thing that bothered me the most was when Lynette said that when he left she felt relief.  After 20 or so years of marriage, she felt relief.  How can a relationship that lasted that long and went through so much end with the feeling of relief?  I just don't get that logic. 

Marriages end all of the time unfortunately.  I do NOT want to be a part of that statistic.  I look at my boyfriend and I am completely and madly in love with him and I could never think of feeling relief if our relationship ever ended.  I appreciate the writers of Desperate Housewives because they portray Tom and Lynette like a normal couple.  They have fights, they make up, they love.  But, SEPARATE them?  Their dynamic?  It's so unfair.  But, divorce is unfair isn't it? I will end with a photo.  Thank you for reading!


Lynette and Tom had always seemed like the perfect couple. Though recent times have proved to be rocky for these two, there's no denying the love and affection these two have shared over the years through good times and bad. We invite you look through this scrapbook of memories featuring one of our all-time favorite Desperate couples�Tom and Lynette.
Tom and Lynette Scavo during happier times.

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