Monday, June 27, 2011

Celebrity Rehab

I have my own addiction. I watch Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew Pinsky like it's going out of style!  I have never missed an episode since the beginning.  For one, I adore that man.  I think that he has a heart of gold and wants everybody who struggles with addiction to be substance free.  I also love the fact that it shows celebrities as normal people going through sensitive, honest struggles.  It reminds me that they are just like us in more ways than one.

I got off work last night at eight o'clock and decided to stretch out on the couch and relax while watching some shows.  I watched the brand new episode of The Kardashians, and then the new show Ice loves Coco.  After those two thirty-minute shows were done, I was surprised when I saw Celebrity Rehab come on!  At first I thought it was an old episode, but then I noticed that I didn't recognize the first celebrity.  It was quite exciting for me! Here are the new rehab members:

Amy Fisher

I remember my mom talking about her when I was younger.  She is known as the 'Long Island Lolita.'  When she was a teenager in the '90s, she was having an affair with a married man named Joey Buttafuoco.  She went to prison for six years for shooting Joey's wife in the head.  His wife did survive the attack, however half of her face is paralyzed and she is partially deaf.  Amy admitted to Dr. Drew that during that time she was consistently on drugs, which he said could have very well affected her psychotic reaction that night.  

She is now married and a Mom of three.  In order for her to "survive" she is an adult entertainment "porn" star.  Her substance of choice is alcohol.  She learned while talking to Shelly that she does in fact black out when she drinks.  In order for her to perform her job, she has to be inebriated.  That tells me that she actually does not like being a porn star.  I wouldn't either.  When she spoke to Dr. Drew, she seemed extremely distant about her feelings.  It'll be interesting to see what happens!

Bai Ling

I don't know too much about Bai Ling.  All I know about her is that she is an actress and she's kind of out there in the personality department.  She is an alcoholic, but she won't admit it yet.  She told Dr. Drew that she possibly drinks to make herself more fun and fearless.  Otherwise she is very shy and reserved.  I already consider herself quite intriguing!  It will be interesting to learn more about what makes her tick!

Jeremy Jackson

Oh Jeremy Jackson.  How I used to fantasize about you when I was a little girl.  I watched Baywatch just for the fact that you were in it!  Little did I know that you were a coke and sex fiend back then!  What have you done to yourself?  He has been sober for six years from cocaine, however he has now become obsessed over having a perfect body.  He is taking an assortment of steroid injections and pills.  He even told Dr. Drew that one of the steroids that he takes is actually given to Cows right before they are slaughtered.  Unbelievable right?!?!  I am so looking forward to watching his recovery.  He really needs it!

Michael Lohan

He is mostly known for being the father of an A list actress who's life is spiraling out of control; Lindsay Lohan.  The tabloids (and LiLo) have constantly talked bad about Michael, however I think that they're wrong.  When he was talking to Dr. Drew he seemed extremely honest and genuine.  I hope that finally the public will be able to know the true story from his point of view. He is an alcoholic and cocaine addict just like his daughter.  I'm excited to hear what all he has to say!

Sean Young

I don't know too much about Sean Young.  I do know that she is an Actress and that I've seen her in a lot of different movies like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.  She also recently competed in the reality show Skating with the Stars.  I watched half of the first episode and lost interest!  It was so dumb!  But anyways, she's an alcoholic.  She seems real sweet but a little off her rocker.  Not as bad as Bai Ling though!  Over the past few years she has had several career setbacks due to her drinking habits.  She was thrown out of the Directors Guild of America Awards Ceremony for hasseling one of the nominees.  After that incident she put herself into Rehab in 2008.  I think she feels this is the last resort.  Time to get your life back Sean!

Last but not least the return of....
Steven Adler

Steven is a returning addict from Celebrity Rehab.  He was a part of the second season as well as a part of Celebrity Rehab presents: Sober House.  He is known as the drummer in Guns N' Roses.  After his drug addiction took over his life, he was kicked out of the band.  He has suffered two strokes.  I fell in love with him at the start.  He is such a sweetheart when he is not on drugs.  Key words: when he is NOT on drugs.  After Celebrity Rehab he went on to live in the Sober House.  He struggled daily on not doing Heroine.  He was eventually arrested for possession and use of heroine while still in the Sober House.  Right before his arrest, he turned on his house mother Jennifer emotionally and physically.  This season Dr. Drew has decided to bring him back.  Jennifer is now working at the Pasadena Recovery Center.  Shelly pulled Jennifer aside and warned her that Steven was going to be there sometime that night.  Jennifer started having a panic attack.  She says that she will never recover for what happened to her.  She thinks Steven is an absolute monster while on drugs.  I think the most drama will be between Steven and Jennifer, but I really hope that he is able to finally sober up and be the nice man that I once fell for in the beginning!

*There are two more patients that will be shown next week: Dwight Gooden and Jessica "Sugar" Kiper.

If you are interested in watching Celebrity Rehab: Season 5 it is on VH1 on Sundays at 9:00 PM central time!

Celebrity Rehab Website

Thank you for reading - XOXO KC



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Music Videos

Music videos today have barely any meaning to them, especially the rap and r&b ones that are just hootchie mommas showing off WAY too much skin and booty!  I was driving home from work last night and an old song was on the radio that INSTANTLY brought me back to the music video!  The music videos that I appreciate the most are the ones that are like mini movies.  They have a story line and they appreciate different aspects of life and the struggles people endure.  This blog may be short in words but I hope that the videos I post will speak WAY louder than anything else I could add!

Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks
This is the song that was on the radio last night!

Warning by Incubus
One of my all time favorite songs!  The meaning is so powerful, and they made the video just as strong!

Savin' Me by Nickelback
Another strong message...that life is precious and we all have a clock.

The Chain of Love by Clay Walker
It's simple.  If you pay it forward and others follow in your footsteps, you all will make a major difference.

Unpretty by TLC
Love yourself for who you are!  I was 11 when this video was first shown, absolutely blew me away!!!

You Belong With Me by Taylor Swift
Feel-good love story.  The ending gives me goosebumps everytime!!!

Good Girls Go Bad by Cobra Starship featuring Leighton Meester
This storyline has an AWESOME twist!!!

Her Diamonds by Rob Thomas
Beautiful imagery!!!  What is your interpretation?

That's it for now! Thank you for reading (but mostly watching!) - K.C. XOXO

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why does he have loser friends?

This little paragraph was found in the December 2006 Cosmopolitan magazine:

"It's annoying when your guy's pals lack ambition, self-discipline, or social graces, but you can't expect all of his buds to be buttoned up.  'Men have different friends for different reasons, and some of the ones you don't like may have ties to him from way back,' says John Van Epp, PhD, author of How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk.  If you nag, he'll stand up for them out of loyalty.  One warning: If he defends their bad behavior, he may be more like them than you'd like to think.  'There's some validity to the adage that birds of a feather flock together,' says Van Epp.  But unless he starts acting like a doofus too, try to deal."

I have dealt with this type of issue in the past with my boyfriend's friend.  He seems to lack a lot of class, however I am guessing that is because of who his mother and stepfather are.  I will explain them in a blog a little later.  I guess the saying is true, "monkey see, monkey do."  His parents steal from retail stores and pretty much anything they can get their hands on and he learned this disgusting quality from them.  But anyways, I just figured I would share because this small article interested me when I read it just now!

Fun-filled day today, I've got my cousin Cody's graduation party to go to!  Should be fun!  So proud of him for graduating with honors!  I will blog about my day yesterday a little later! - K.C. XOXO

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Definitely, Maybe!

I am currently sitting on my couch watching a gorgeous man on the television screen.  Who other than Ryan Reynolds?  Okay, maybe it could have been Johnny Depp too!  They are SOOO sexy!!!

YUMMY!!!  Talk about the hottest men on the planet!!!  However, they are also amazing actors!!!  They are both my favorite!!!  Okay so, let's get back on track.  I am watching Ryan Reynolds in the adorable movie Definitely, Maybe on FX.  I have only seen the movie once before but I fell in LOVE with it!  Ryan plays a Dad who is telling his daughter his love story before bed time one night, and she is supposed to guess on which girl turns out to be her Mother.  The most adorable child star plays his daughter, Abigail Breslin!
Near the end of the movie we learn that her Dad and her Mom are in the middle of a Divorce.  They go to the zoo as a family and then she leaves and goes back with her Mom.  While they are walking their separate directions, Abigail runs up to Ryan while yelling "Dad" and they both stopped in their tracks.  

Abigail: "Thank you for telling me the story." 
Ryan: "I forgot to tell you the happy ending." 
Abigail: "What is it?" 
Ryan: "You."

That, in my opinion, is what any parent should tell their child!  People could learn from this movie! 


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dad's home!

I am sitting in the basement of my step grandma and grandpa's house in Waseca. For the first time in over a year my dad, his wife Bonita, and my half sister Bailey have come home to visit. I drove down here yesterday evening because I had today and yesterday off from work. They are going to be driving up to the cities tomorrow and will be up there until Sunday morning. I have to work Wednesday and Thursday and Sunday so I decided in order for me to see them more I would drive down here. My little 15 year-old sister is pissing me off because she hasn't said more than 5 or so words to me since I got here. It's not important to her that her sister is visiting...her IPhone is the most important part of her life at the moment I guess. So rude!!! Oh well, her loss!!! I promise I will blog more soon! My bestie Tina was giving me crap about my lack of blogging lately. Ta Ta for now!