Sunday, January 27, 2013

Lynette and Tom Scavo

I have a new show obsession.  Desperate Housewives!  I know what you're thinking, 'but Desperate Housewives hasn't been on for years.'  Yes, but I have Netflix and decided to watch it, and I am now starting on the final season. 

If you have watched Desperate Housewives, then you know who Lynette and Tom Scavo are.  I know that they are just characters on a television show but, I, in a way, look up to their relationship.  They have five kids and have survived plenty of MAJOR hardships in their lives together.  They're amazing.

Now, lets fast forward.  I just finished watching the last episode of season 7.  It was horrible!  They decided to separate.  The past couple episodes they have been constantly fighting and it was inevitable but, I always thought that they were strong enough to survive ANYTHING. 

The thing that bothered me the most was when Lynette said that when he left she felt relief.  After 20 or so years of marriage, she felt relief.  How can a relationship that lasted that long and went through so much end with the feeling of relief?  I just don't get that logic. 

Marriages end all of the time unfortunately.  I do NOT want to be a part of that statistic.  I look at my boyfriend and I am completely and madly in love with him and I could never think of feeling relief if our relationship ever ended.  I appreciate the writers of Desperate Housewives because they portray Tom and Lynette like a normal couple.  They have fights, they make up, they love.  But, SEPARATE them?  Their dynamic?  It's so unfair.  But, divorce is unfair isn't it? I will end with a photo.  Thank you for reading!


Lynette and Tom had always seemed like the perfect couple. Though recent times have proved to be rocky for these two, there's no denying the love and affection these two have shared over the years through good times and bad. We invite you look through this scrapbook of memories featuring one of our all-time favorite Desperate couples�Tom and Lynette.
Tom and Lynette Scavo during happier times.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Meet Sparky, A School's Best Friend

I had to blog about this little story!  I read it in the May 2nd, 2011 PEOPLE magazine that I have had sitting around the house for over a year.  It is such a sweet and humbling story.  Like I said, I did NOT write any of the following story.  It was written by: Jeff Truesdell from PEOPLE.  I do not own, or claim to own, any of this story.  Have I made myself clear enough?

As adorable as the miniature dachshund was, his Missouri breeder held little hope that he'd find the pup a home.  The dog was cute, but he'd been born deaf and barked incessantly.  In fact the breeder was on the verge of putting him down when a family unexpectedly took him in.  But the family lost patience quickly and took him to a shelter.  The pup was as tough a case as they had seen.  Says Marsha Martin of the Animal Shelter of Texas County: "What in the heck was I going to do with a deaf wiener dog?"

Then she had an idea.  The dog was perfectly suited to a program at a state prison where inmates give rescue animals special training meant to make them better pets.  Using American Sign Language, inmates taught the dog basic commands--sit, stay, lie down--then wrote to the Missouri School for the Deaf in Fulton, MO., hoping for a home.  "He's an adorable, people-loving, 1-year-old, crystal-blue-eyed miniature dachshund ," wrote the inmates.  For school superintendent Barbara Garrison, "It was a no-brainer."  Students instantly took to the dog, naming him Sparky and begging him to sit on their laps and sleep in their rooms.  With a pet back home who answers only to voice commands, Catherine Slinkard, 16, says, "it was pretty cool to have a dog that would listen."  Adds Michael Miller, 18: "He's just like us."

I love that story.  Little Sparky and the little kids both have companions.  They found each other, and that is beautiful!  Well, that's it for now!

- XOXO K.C. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Phone Interviews

I received my Bachelors degree in December 2011 for Human Resource Management.  For a whole year I had applied to multiple companies offering positions and not ONE of them responded with an interview.  Until now!  Yesterday I had a brief phone interview for an HR Coordinator position and today at 1:00 PM I have another one for an HR Assistant position!  I am so excited I can't even stand it!  Even if I don't get either one of the jobs, I realize now that all of my hard work is paying off. I feel really confident that I will find a job soon though!  I want to leave Wal-Mart and begin my actual career.  How AMAZING it would be if it happened sooner than later!  I can't wait to begin my new path in life!  It's exciting and nerve-wracking but I am still looking forward to it!  That's it for now!


Monday, January 7, 2013


Why do people have to show this piece of them? I grew up in a single parent household. I know what it's like to not get everything that you want. So when I get an object from a loved one or even just get to spend time with a loved one...I am grateful. Sure, my Grandma spoiled me rotten when I was little, but I never took anything that she did for granted and I never will. Life is too short to live it as a spoiled rotten individual. So when I see or hear of someone being ungrateful for what they receive in life I get angry. If it's someone close to me I become extremely disappointed. A few specific people come to mind as I am writing this. I just want to slap some sense into them. You have so much to be thankful for yet all you seem to do is complain and make everyone else's life miserable when you're around! Is it that difficult for you to.say thank you once in a while? Stop wasting your life with your unattractive, negative traits. Learn to appreciate the wonderful people in your life and.stop taking them for granted! Why do you think your shit don't stink? Have you SEEN the way you behave? The saddest part of this whole scenerio is that you will probably never change, and that's a damn shame.

Readers, what is your opinion on this subject? Do you think people can change after years of being ungrateful or do you think that it's a learned behavior that was instilled in them as children which would make the change of behavior near to impossible? I would love to hear your thoughts! Until next time!