Thursday, March 17, 2011


After buying her first cd, I was hooked.  She was unique, she was herself, and she had WOAH talent!!!  She blew me away!!  So, last Saturday was my Grandpa's birthday.  I was lucky enough for my job to have changed my hours from, what is normally 11-8 to 9-6.  So, I was able to go!  We all just decided to stay and eat pizzas at my Grandma and Grandpa's house.  One of my uncles was there and I mentioned to him about how I think Gaga's new song "Born This Way" was a complete rip off of "Express Yourself" by Madonna.  We then got into the conversation about how Lady Gaga looks identical to the lead singer of the 80's band Missing Persons!  Her name is Dale Bozzio.  I did not believe him until we googled "Lady Gaga Dale Bozzio" and, I was BLOWN AWAY at the similarities!  I mean, it's to the point where I honestly believe that Lady Gaga is trying to BE the new Dale Bozzio!  They even dress alike!  Need proof?  Here you go!

Almost scary right?!?!
Gaga is on the left, Bozzio is on the right!

Dale Bozzio is on the top, Gaga on the bottom!

With these pictures, you can't tell me that Lady Gaga is "unique!"  She is stealing Dale Bozzio's ideas and that is not right!  Ever since learning about this, I have lost a lot of respect for her!  

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