Tuesday, March 22, 2011

College stressors

I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders right now.  I have so much crap on my mind!  I'm worried mostly about school.  Last night I took a test that I feel extremely uneasy about.  Thursday morning I am taking my second test for Central Banking which, is surprisingly, a really hard class!  I have two group projects that I have to complete.  But, to top it all off, I have a 50-page paper that I have to have completed by the beginning of April!  Yes, that's right, a 50 page paper!  YIKES!!!  I have changed my business to write the paper on THREE TIMES now.  I am hoping that this last one sticks because I really have to get cracking on it!  It's so tough to juggle all of my classes and the time to spend on each one!  I decided to take 18 credits (which is the most you can take without approval) for the third time in my College career.  It seems to me that the longer you are in college, the harder it gets!  Luckily, if all goes well, I will only have to take 15 credits during my last semester to accomplish graduation.  I just hope that I can get through this semester first!   

Lucky Fish

One thing that I have pride in about myself is how big of a heart I possess.  This is a short little story that happened Sunday that shows you a snippet of how emotionally invested I am with the world!

I'm not sure if I have ever spoke about my work.  If I haven't, I work at a retail store in the Customer Service area.  We handle money transactions, but our top priority are returns.  There was a woman who came in to return a dead fish that she had purchased around two weeks ago.  She had mentioned to me that she was going to go back and buy another one.  I finished the transaction and told her to have a great day and she went on her merry way.  Not even FIVE minutes later, she came back and told another one of my associates that she had just purchased the wrong color fish.  I then intervened and let the customer know that we are not able to put the fish back into the fish tank.  We will have to dispose of it and I really did not want that to happen.  She seemed concerned as well and made a quick phone call only to tell us that (the person on the phone) didn't want that color.  Apologizing over and over again, she left and headed towards the fish tanks yet again.  I picked up the plastic bag to my eye level and looked in it only to see this beautiful, tiny neon pink fish!  My break time was a couple minutes after that and so I called my Mom and asked her what she thought about the idea of me taking it home with me!  We decided almost immediately that this lucky fish was coming home with me!  Mom and I then decided to buy two more fish to keep the pink one company!  We gained three REALLY COOL fish and three got a home and one life was saved! 

By the way, I decided to name the pink one Sweetheart, the yellow one Sunshine, but I'm not sure about the third one.  It is a peachy color!  Any suggestions?!?!

So, I suppose you'd like to see what type of fish I got?  Well, they are called Glow Fish and they look like this:

This one looks like Sweetheart!

This one looks like Sunshine!

Thinking of the name Neoni!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


After buying her first cd, I was hooked.  She was unique, she was herself, and she had WOAH talent!!!  She blew me away!!  So, last Saturday was my Grandpa's birthday.  I was lucky enough for my job to have changed my hours from, what is normally 11-8 to 9-6.  So, I was able to go!  We all just decided to stay and eat pizzas at my Grandma and Grandpa's house.  One of my uncles was there and I mentioned to him about how I think Gaga's new song "Born This Way" was a complete rip off of "Express Yourself" by Madonna.  We then got into the conversation about how Lady Gaga looks identical to the lead singer of the 80's band Missing Persons!  Her name is Dale Bozzio.  I did not believe him until we googled "Lady Gaga Dale Bozzio" and, I was BLOWN AWAY at the similarities!  I mean, it's to the point where I honestly believe that Lady Gaga is trying to BE the new Dale Bozzio!  They even dress alike!  Need proof?  Here you go!

Almost scary right?!?!
Gaga is on the left, Bozzio is on the right!

Dale Bozzio is on the top, Gaga on the bottom!

With these pictures, you can't tell me that Lady Gaga is "unique!"  She is stealing Dale Bozzio's ideas and that is not right!  Ever since learning about this, I have lost a lot of respect for her!  

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hey everyone!  This is just a fun blog update!  I googled look-a-likes and here are some that I found:

Amazing right?!?!

They look like twin sisters!!!

I wonder if Raven can sing as well as Amber!  Doubt it!

I do not like Adam Lambert but it's a great look-a-like!

I don't even need to comment with this one!  Meet ET Jackson!

Girl obsessing over "herself!" Kinda creepy! Haha!

Alright kids, that's it for now!  I hope you liked it!