Thursday, February 24, 2011

To my friends...

I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!  I am seriously so sick of my life right now.  College CONSUMES me.  I have NO time to do anything. I have college during the week and then I work during the weekends.  Any couple hours of free time I'm either working on homework or trying to catch up on sleep!  I wish I was done...I am FINALLY in my 4th year.  It feels like I have been here FOREVER!!!  There are so many people that I haven't seen in so long that I miss terribly!  I MISS ALL OF MY FRIENDS!  My fun, quirky, crazy friends!  The ones that are still sticking with me even though I feel like the worst friend in the world!  I'M SORRY!!!  I don't mean to be!  When I say I have no time, I have NO time!  Luckily, I will be graduating in the beginning of December.  I will FINALLY have my life back!  Don't get me wrong...I've met some awesome people down in Kato and I wouldn't take any of it back.  Sam, Kristen,'ve kept me sane and I love you guys so much!  You are my favorites!  But, a part of my heart is hollow because of the friends that were 'left behind.'  Please realize that I still love all of you guys!  Tina!  You are my sister!  You are my family!  I miss you every day!  You are the hardest friend to be away from!  I can't wait until I am finally home FOR GOOD.  I have A LOT of catching up to do with all of you.....and I'm REALLY looking forward to getting my life back!!!!  I love and miss you all!        


One of my favorite actresses (from my favorite show One Tree Hill) welcomed her first child recently.  A baby girl they named Maria!!!  Welcome to the world Maria Galeotti!  You are a lucky girl to have such inspirational and talented parents!  You are going to be so spoiled!!!  Haha!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Testify update

So I recently wrote about a new friend of mine that is being forced to testify against a criminal that is involved in a gang. Her Mother has also gotten involved and they spoke to the local Sheriff, prosecutor, and a couple others. The Sherrif said that he was going to review the 911 call to determine if there is anything that he can do. He then called them back with the response, "I am done here." Since she never formally stated during the call that she did not want her information released, there is nothing anybody can do for her. She has to testify and she is extremely nervous. If she doesn't testify then she will be charged with contempt of court and go to jail herself! So, the only thing that she can do is wear a wig and big sunglasses to try and hide her identity. Who else thinks this is ridiculous?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Messed Up System

I met a girl this semester.  We are in three of the same classes.  We've become fast friends.  We were meeting for our group project yesterday morning and I wanted to tell her about my minimal frustrations that happened earlier that morning: slipping on the ice and falling , and my tooth pain that I woke up to.  After I was done it was her turn.  She slapped a piece of printed paper in front of me.  It was a subpoena.  I asked her what had happened to where she would have to testify in court.  This is her story:

There is a website that lists the wanted criminals in the area.  She had looked at it a few months ago and, when she was out and about, noticed one of the criminals that was on the website.  She called the person in and they were arrested.  The criminal was found with a pellet gun on them.  She is being forced to testify in front of this scary, dangerous criminal.  The police department already released her information to the criminal on the police report!  She is scared for her life.  This person is part of a gang.  She feels like she needs to move to be safe.  I thought that it was always supposed to be anonymous!  Her and her mom have called everybody possible involved in the case hoping to get her out of testifying.

This makes me SO mad!  All she did was notice the person there and called them in!  She was being a concerned citizen!  They should have NEVER given out her information and should DEFINITELY not be forcing her to testify!  She never saw the crime being committed!  What do they need her for?!?!  This is proof that our judicial system is messed up!  This is all I know about this situation right now.  I'll keep you all posted!       

The Haircut

I wanted to share this joke that I got from an aquaintance in an e-mail he sent me quick with all of you because I love it.  And, unfortunately to me, it's true!  Enjoy!

-One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut.  After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, "I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week."  The florist was pleased and left the shop.  When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

-Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, "I cannot accept money from you, I'm doing community service this week."  The cop was happy and left the shop.  The next morning when the barber went to open up, there was a 'thank you' card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

-Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, "I cannot accept money from you.  I'm doing community service this week."  The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.  The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut. 

-And that, my friends, illustrates the fundamental difference between the citizens of our country and the politicians who run it.


Now, let me make myself clear.  I absolutely DO NOT agree with what happened to Congresswoman Giffords.  Yes, I do not believe that a lot of politicians are there for common good....however I also do not believe that any of them deserve to die.  It was a terrible tragedy and I pray that her and all of the others that survived are slowly getting their life back.  

Monday, February 14, 2011

Walk...Love Isn't A Race!!!

Getting married after knowing a person for less than a year.................WHAT'S THE POINT?!?!  Getting engaged after knowing a person for less than a year...............WHAT'S THE POINT?!?!  Sure, some people get extremely lucky with this but, most couples only last for a couple years and then they are going through a D-I-V-O-R-C-E!!!  So, what's the point?  I think that most people who get engaged so quick and carelessly mostly want to prove a point.  That their love CAN last when they jump into things.  They want to show the skeptics that they can beat the odds.  I know of women that have threatened their men to get engaged.  Do they realize that their engagement (and possibly marriage) is based on an emotional beat down?  You shouldn't ever have to threaten to get a husband.  That shows complete insecurity and most is NOT REAL LOVE!!!  I know people who have jumped into marriage.  One impulsively married their on and off again high school sweetheart secretly at a court house a year or so ago.  UPDATE:  They were divorced less than three months later!!!  Another person is only engaged but...that relationship is moving too fast.  They haven't even been together for a year!!!  These people that got married too fast or too young will find out soon enough that it was a DUMB IDEA!!!  They will get their hearts broken and they will have to start all over again.

I have been with my boyfriend for almost two years now.  I love him with all my heart and there is nobody else in the WORLD I would rather be with.  Honestly...not even Johnny Depp or Ryan Reynolds!!!  NOBODY!!!  He makes me feel beautiful.  He treats me with respect.  He makes me laugh.  He loves me for who I am.  He surprises me with presents.  I could go on and on and ON about the love of my life but...I would be here for another few hours more than likely.  Yes, I want to marry him someday but not now.  I feel secure in our relationship.  I don't need to rush because I know he's going to be with me no matter what.  I don't have to threaten him or get engaged after a few months of being with him.  I want to make our relationship work unlike most love-starved people.  I am looking forward to the day when I say, "I Told You So!"  It's sad but true!  So get the point now before you make a terrible mistake and..........WALK DON'T RUN!!!  LOVE ISN'T AND SHOULD NEVER BE A RACE!!!  Now I am going to go to bed since I am starting to fall asleep while I am writing this! 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Three Men and a Girl

Last Monday morning I woke up to it snowing profusely.  My boyfriend just got home from work and told me that the roads were terrible.  He only has to drive like fifteen minutes.  I had class at 12:30 that afternoon and I was still at home.  My College is 1 1/2 hours away so, I made the decision to stay home.  I have a night class on Monday as well but I didn't want to miss both classes.  I left around 2.  When I got to the parking lot, the snow was all over the place.  I could barely drive around to find a parking spot.  I almost got stuck just doing that.  Then, when I was going back around to the best (and easiest) parking spot, there was a damn jeep parked in a NON parking area RIGHT in the middle of the road. I had to try and back up to turn around and go the other way.  Tough luck.  I got stuck BAD. It took me probably like fifteen minutes going in drive and then in reverse to try and get out of the spot I was in.  While I was working on getting unstuck an older gentleman, probably in his 50s, was walking towards my car.  'Awesome' I thought.  He is going to be nice and help me.  Nope!  He talked to me for a quick second.  He said the jeep wasn't his and I told him that I was stuck and he was walking away and said something like 'Yeah, I've got to try and get my car out.'  No help...notta.  RUDE!  While I was still working on getting un-stuck the asshole owner of the jeep got in his car and drove away.  I showed him my middle finger as he drove away without a care in the world.  I was boiling at this point!  I finally got out of my snowed in rut and got to the the parking spot and got stuck pulling into it.  After a few frustrating minutes of trying to get out of THAT, two men who were walking into the building turned around and asked if I wanted help.  While they were helping me, another man and a girl had just parked and were walking towards the building and she saw us and asked if we needed a shovel.  She had one in her car!  I, being dumb, did not.  So, they went and grabbed the shovel and now three of the men were helping.  I had one get behind the wheel and two were pushing behind.  After probably 45 minutes, they were FINALLY able to get the car in the parking spot.  One of the original two guys said right before they left, "I hope you don't have to drive anywhere anytime soon."  THANK YOU THREE MEN AND A GIRL!  I ended up missing my class still but, at least there were people there to help!  Phew...what a relief!       

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Laci Peterson

I am in the middle of reading "Blood Brother: 33 Reasons My Brother Scott Peterson is Guilty" and it is the only book that has truly got to me emotionally.  The author, Anne Bird, was given up for adoption when she was a baby.  Later on in  her life (around her early 30s I believe) she received a life changing phone call from a man named Don.  It turned out that he was one of her biological half-brothers who was also given up for adoption.  He had found her and wanted her to be involved in her biological family's life along with him.  She met her biological mom a few months later and they instantly connected.  Her biological mom's name was Jackie Peterson.  She had kept two sons later on in her life when she felt like she was ready to be a mother.  One of the sons was Scott Peterson.  The first time Anne met Scott and his fiancee Laci, she was smitten.  She loved both of them instantly.  She recalled their relationship as 'teenagers in love.'  They were consistently attached to each other. 

She especially adored Laci.  She was always bubbly and sweet.  She loved flowers and people.  Scott was the golden child of the family.  He could do no wrong and never DID anything wrong.  Everybody he knew loved him.  He was a real charmer.  Anne became really close to Scott and Laci and they would hang out on a fairly regular basis.  Scott never had a sister so he was really excited to have an older one.  They went on family trips, like Disneyland, and they were just an average happy family.  Anne finally felt complete.

Laci and Scott
After Anne was married she had a little boy with her husband Tim and then she became pregnant again.  A couple years before that, Scott and Laci got married as well.  Her and Laci were pregnant at the same time.  Anne's second child and Laci's first.  Laci was ecstatic to finally become a Mother and to be sharing the experience with someone she loved.  She always wanted to be a mom while Scott seemed to not be so keen on the idea.  On December 23, 2002 Scott and Laci went to their ultrasound appointment.  The next day Laci and her unborn child Conner were reported missing by Scott.  She was 8 1/2 months pregnant.

This is Laci at her baby shower - December 10, 2002
Laci's parents were expecting Scott and her for dinner at 6:00 that evening.  Scott called Laci's Mother less than an hour before they were supposed to arrive.  Not soon after, her family was frantic and the community soon followed.  It was never like Laci to just 'disappear' without anybody knowing.  Banners and thousands of posters were posted everywhere.  A $25,000 reward turned into a $250,000 reward.  The last amount was a $500,000 dollar reward.  Nobody came forward...ever.  Her husband Scott became the prime suspect.

In the book, Anne talks about how the media was all over Scott and how their Mother Jackie called and asked her if he could stay with her and her family until the whole thing blows over.  She agreed.  She talks about how odd his behaviors were towards the search.  He never really seemed to care.  He joked and laughed when watching anything pertaining to his wife's case and also one time was more concerned with how he looked on tv than him being the target suspect.  There are other really weird actions and reactions (or lack there of) that you will just have to read in the book!

On April 13, 2003 a tiny body was found on the San Fransisco Bay Shore.  Just one day after, a young woman's body was found a mile away also on the San Fransisco Bay Shore.  This woman was decapitated, missing her right foot, left leg from the knee down, and both forearms.  The medical examiner, later on, revealed that she also had two cracked ribs that happened around or at the time of death.  Those bodies were identified as Laci and Conner.

Behind closed doors, Scott was having an affair with a single mother, Amber Frey.  He told everybody that Laci was aware and understood the girlfriend.  Anne knew better than to believe that.  She said that if Laci would have know that, there was no way she would have stayed.

Not too long before her death, Scott had taken out a life insurance policy.  If I remember correctly, it was worth $500,000, but do not quote me on that one.  He also went out to fish in the San Fransisco Bay hours before she was reported missing.  Coincidence?  I don't think so!  Just a few days after the bodies were discovered  Scott was arrested in the parking lot of a golf course.  At the time of his arrest, Peterson was carrying $15,000 in cash, had four cell phones, camping equipment, a gun, a map to Frey's workplace that had been printed the day before, Viagra and his brother's driver's license.  He had also colored his hair and goatee blond.  I believe that he was planning on fleeing to Mexico.  He knew he was screwed.

During this whole ordeal, Amber Frey was still carrying on her relationship with Scott.  At least that's what he believed.  She was actually working with the cops to record all of their conversations that they were having, hoping for a confession.  Those recordings were used in the trial.  Anne also mentioned some damaging evidence that came out in the trial that I thought was very intriguing.

"I didn't know that Scott had purchased a fishing boat shortly before Laci disappeared.  I didn't know that one could use cement to make anchors.  I didn't know that Scott had checked the tides in the San Francisco Bay on his computer.  I didn't know that, weeks before Laci disappeared, he had told Amber Frey and her friend Shawn Sibley that he had 'lost' his wife."
I am almost done with the book.  I only have two chapters left.  The next chapter that I have to read is "The Verdict."  I have seen before that he was actually given the death penalty, but it will be interesting to hear what Anne has to add to that detail.  I will more than likely write another blog that depicts the last two chapters.  However, it is getting very late and I need to get some sleep since I have class in the morning. 

I wrote this blog, not because I believe in the book, but because I believe Laci and Conner's story should still be heard and remembered.  After reading the chapters in the book about Anne hearing about them finding the bodies, I went on youtube and found a picture collage remembrance video.  I cried when I watched it.  What a terrible way to say goodbye forever... forcefully.  Rest in peace angels!