Friday, July 6, 2012

Season 1: Episode 9: With Arms Outstretched

Nathan gets pressured by his father to beat his basketball record.  He calls Tim and tells him to have his brother get him performer enhancing drugs for the game.  Tim pulls through and gets Nathan amphetamines which he said are basically steroids on speed.

It's really sad that Nathan feels like he has to prove that he is better than his dad.  I couldn't imagine feeling so pressured all of the time to be the best and yet you can't beat the parent. 

Lucas gives Brooke a book by John Steinbeck called "A Winter of Discontent" and in turn with reading the book he needed to do something for her.  She ended up taking him out to a bar to drink and play pool.  They ended up kissing.  Later on, Lucas came home drunk and Keith was waiting up for him.  The next morning, Keith walked into his room and Luke was covering his right shoulder.  Turns out that Luke got a tattoo the night before while he was with Brooke.  He was grounded and Keith was very disappointed.

Later on during the game, Nathan is on FIRE!!!  He is one basket away from beating his dad's record when he collapses onto the floor.  He is taken to the hospital and the doctor told Dan that Nathan was on amphetamines.  Dan threatened a lawsuit if the doctor labeled Nathan as a drug addict.

Haley stopped by at the cafe to ask Deb how Nathan was.  Deb had no idea Nathan collapsed!  She rushed to the hospital.  By the time she got there, Nathan had snuck out.  Deb and Dan argued until Deb kicked Dan out of the house.  He didn't like the fact that she had taken on the cafe for Karen. 

Peyton shows up at Luke's house to tell him that she was sorry and wants to be with him.  Brooke walks into the room.  Peyton realizes it's too late and she had just made an ass out of herself.  She turns around and leaves with a broken heart.

Haley is trying to call Nathan when he shows up at her bedroom door.  He opens up to her and tells her how scared he was and how all he could think about was how much he wanted to be with her.  He asks to stay the night with her and she agrees.

Coach Whitey cancels basketball until further notice due to Nathan's collapse.  He wants the boys to enjoy playing and not feel like they have to prove their worth on the court.  The game is supposed to be fun; not stressful.

At the end of the episode Luke says:
"What a frightening thing is the human.  A mass of gauges, dials and registers and we can read only a few.  And those, perhaps, not accurately."

                                                  - XOXO K.C.

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