Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Season 1: Episode 13: Hanging by a Moment

Lucas and Peyton have feelings for each other which was quite apparent in the previous episode but they mutually decide to bury their feelings for each other for Brooke's sake.

Coach Whitey is considering retiring from coaching after he has won 500 games and coaching for 35 years; which was originally supposed to only be 20 years.

Dan decides to take a walk on the beach and a woman's beach hat flew off of her head and kept blowing towards Dan.  He picks it up and hands it back to her.  She thanks him and does a little bit of flirting.  He leaves and later on that evening they end up having dinner together.  Just when the neighbor gets a little too frisky, Dan asks her to leave and his wife Deb walks into the beach house and sees them together.  Yikes!!!

Luke and Peyton are trying to keep their feelings at bay but they are finding it extremely difficult.  So, what is the next best thing?  They start sneaking around.  They were making out in one of the aisles in their school library and Haley walked by and saw them.  Haley eventually confronts Lucas and a fight ensues.  I would like to think that I would react like Haley would if my best friend was sneaking around their significant other!  That would NOT be okay with me!

Watch the Leyton Scenes here!!! 

Haley and Nathan's relationship is budding beautifully until he says, "This whole thing started to get back at Lucas."  OUCH, HALEY!!!  Needless to say, she was visibly upset.

At the very end of the episode Keith and Lucas are driving to the airport to pick up Karen.  They get into a car accident.  They were T-boned.  Dan happened to witness the accident and he rescued Lucas.

Dan's response at the end:  "He's my son."  EPIC!!


Friday, July 6, 2012

Season 1: Episode 12: Crash Course in Polite Conversations

Dan gets a surprise visit from his mother and father for his birthday.  Royal and May want to have a family dinner to celebrate.  Keith, Coach Whitey, and Haley were also invited. 

Haley was working at Karen's Cafe when a man came in asking if Karen was around.  She told him that she was in Italy for culinary school.  She asked him who he was so she could let Karen know that he stopped by and he responded saying he was just an old friend.

When Haley walked in to the Scott home she recognized the man from Karen's Cafe earlier that day.  It was Dan's dad!  She took Nathan aside and in confidence told him that his Grandfather had gone to the Cafe looking for Karen. 

During the dinner, we learn where Dan gets his competitiveness from; his father Royal.  Eventually May had enough and mentioned that Dan faked his knee injury so he didn't have to play basketball anymore when he went to college.  Then, Nathan stood up for his Dad by announcing that Royal had kept a secret and revealed that he stopped by at the Cafe that day.  Nathan also announced that he was quitting the basketball team.  Talk about HAVOC!!!  I couldn't imagine being in that room with all of that tension!

Meanwhile, Peyton's dad had left again for his 3 week job.  Peyton wants to fix up her dad's car to surprise him when he gets home.  While Brooke and Lucas are helping her with the car she gets a phone call.  There was a hurricane where he was located and they can not locate his transport boat.  Peyton freaks out and immediately thinks the worst!

A little later on she gets another phone call stating that they had located a body and they need her to drive down to see if it is her father.  Brooke decides to stay at Peyton's house just in case someone calls and tells Luke to go with Peyton.

After a while of driving they came to a bridge that was actually closed due to the hurricane.  They had no choice but to get a hotel right by there and wait the storm out.  They slept for a few hours and left early the next morning.

Peyton was freaking out when they pulled into the parking lot.  Could you imagine having to identify ANY body let alone one that could possibly be your parents?  I couldn't!  How horrible!  Luckily, the man was not her Dad.

Peyton realized that she had lost her bracelet and that it must have been in their hotel room.  They got back there and she tore the place apart trying to find it.  She found it and put it back on.  She was so overwhelmed.  So vulnerable.  Her emotions were running rampant.  Lucas and her ended up almost having sex.  While they were almost to that point Peyton's hair got caught in Luke's necklace.  He stopped because he realized that Brooke had got him that necklace.  They both agreed to keep what happened between them.

- XOXO K.C.    

Season 1: Episode 11: The Living Years

Basketball starts again.  Nathan is not sure if he wants to keep playing so he missed the first practice back!

Haley and Nathan skipped out on 6th period and later on Nathan found out that Haley missed a test and received an F. 

Brooke doesn't feel like Luke and her are connecting enough emotionally.  She starts to feel very threatened by his friendship with Peyton. 

Peyton's dad returns from working on a boat and tells her about a great Supervisor position he was offered.  He would be gone for 4 months but it is great pay.  Peyton misses her dad and really doesn't want him to take the job but hides her feelings from him.  Lucas opens his eyes by showing him her comic strip.  He changes his mind and takes a 3 week job instead.
Nathan tells Luke at the Rivercourt that he is quitting basketball.

Luke ends the episode with:
"And the little prince said to the man: Grown ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always explaining things to them."


Season 1: Episode 10: You Gotta Go There to Come Back

Dan shows up at Karen's Cafe to give Deb roses.  She says once he fixes his relationship with Nathan then Deb and him will talk.

The boys show up at the gym and see the sign on the door that basketball is cancelled until further notice.  Jake said Whitey just did him a favor, and Nathan agreed.  Dan visits Whitey's office later and is not happy.  Whitey says he calls the shots and there's nothing Dan can do about it.  GO WHITEY!

Brooke and Lucas get caught buying condoms and whip cream by Deb.  Talk about an awkward situation!!!  Uncle Keith has a talk with him later.

Dan is taking Nathan on a weekend Father/Son road trip.  It was 'plan B' since Dan actually wanted to take Deb to patch things up.  Dan said he is going to 'school' his son in Golf.  Nathan ends up telling Dan off.

Deb and Haley decide to start an Open Mic night that Saturday.  Haley asked Peyton to make flyers.
Jake lets Lucas into his home and introduces him to his daughter Jenny.  Lucas leaves a flyer for Open Mic Night.  Jake ends up showing up, performing a song and introduces the world to his daughter.  Gavin DeGraw ends up playing at Karen's Cafe!!!

The team plays at the Rivercourt and actually had fun for once!


Season 1: Episode 9: With Arms Outstretched

Nathan gets pressured by his father to beat his basketball record.  He calls Tim and tells him to have his brother get him performer enhancing drugs for the game.  Tim pulls through and gets Nathan amphetamines which he said are basically steroids on speed.

It's really sad that Nathan feels like he has to prove that he is better than his dad.  I couldn't imagine feeling so pressured all of the time to be the best and yet you can't beat the parent. 

Lucas gives Brooke a book by John Steinbeck called "A Winter of Discontent" and in turn with reading the book he needed to do something for her.  She ended up taking him out to a bar to drink and play pool.  They ended up kissing.  Later on, Lucas came home drunk and Keith was waiting up for him.  The next morning, Keith walked into his room and Luke was covering his right shoulder.  Turns out that Luke got a tattoo the night before while he was with Brooke.  He was grounded and Keith was very disappointed.

Later on during the game, Nathan is on FIRE!!!  He is one basket away from beating his dad's record when he collapses onto the floor.  He is taken to the hospital and the doctor told Dan that Nathan was on amphetamines.  Dan threatened a lawsuit if the doctor labeled Nathan as a drug addict.

Haley stopped by at the cafe to ask Deb how Nathan was.  Deb had no idea Nathan collapsed!  She rushed to the hospital.  By the time she got there, Nathan had snuck out.  Deb and Dan argued until Deb kicked Dan out of the house.  He didn't like the fact that she had taken on the cafe for Karen. 

Peyton shows up at Luke's house to tell him that she was sorry and wants to be with him.  Brooke walks into the room.  Peyton realizes it's too late and she had just made an ass out of herself.  She turns around and leaves with a broken heart.

Haley is trying to call Nathan when he shows up at her bedroom door.  He opens up to her and tells her how scared he was and how all he could think about was how much he wanted to be with her.  He asks to stay the night with her and she agrees.

Coach Whitey cancels basketball until further notice due to Nathan's collapse.  He wants the boys to enjoy playing and not feel like they have to prove their worth on the court.  The game is supposed to be fun; not stressful.

At the end of the episode Luke says:
"What a frightening thing is the human.  A mass of gauges, dials and registers and we can read only a few.  And those, perhaps, not accurately."

                                                  - XOXO K.C.

Season 1: Episode 8: The Search for Something More

Brooke and Peyton decide to go to a College party at Duke University.  Brooke starts to talk to a sexy college guy and they talk about sexuality and how they both should be study partners.  They start making out and the guy gets a phone call.  It turns out that it is his mom and he is in high school.

Meanwhile, Peyton found a guy that was in his dorm room listening to vinyl records with his door open.  She decided to hang out with him and listen to his music.  He offered her a drink and after saying no the first time, she decided to have just one drink.  He poured her a drink and put a roofie in it.  She was just about to be raped when Brooke found his room and took her out of there.  Brooke called Lucas and he came there to pick them up.  He went to the room and punched the guy around a bit until he told him where the pills were.  Lucas drove the girls home and Brooke and Luke waited until Peyton woke up.

Brooke felt terrible about how she acted at the party towards Nathan and Haley, so she set up a scavenger hunt date for them to go on.  During dinner, some of the guys were walking by and saw Nathan and Haley.  Nathan acted like they were not on a date.  The way Nathan acted made Haley feel like he was embarassed to be seen with her and it really upset her.  She got up and left.  The next morning Nathan was attempting to throw rocks at her bedroom window when it turned out to be her parents' window.  He apologized and said sweet things and then while she was on her rant....he kissed her!!!  Naley's first kiss = GOOSEBUMPS!!!  Seriously, every time I see it I get a chill throughout my whole entire body.  It probably helps that "Dare You to Move" by: Switchfoot is playing in the background!!!  Their new found relationship is starting to blossom at this point!!!

Luke's mom Karen was on a waiting list for attending a culinary school in Italy.  Someone dropped out and she has the opportunity to go.  She was skeptical but Luke used their family emergency credit card and purchased a plane ticket for her to refunds.  So, she went under the condition that Keith stayed with Lucas.  Deb also offered to run the cafe while Karen was away and Karen agreed.

That is pretty much the important aspects of this episode!  I fell in love with Nathan and Haley the first time she started tutoring him.  I am in love with love stories in general, but I cling to the good girl, bad guy story lines the most.  Hence my love for 'A Walk to Remember.'  Haha!  See you guys real soon!!!


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Only The Good Die Young

There are days when I just feel like my life absolutely sucks. I regret decisions that I have made and am making, and I just want to give up and cry in some dark, far away corner.

 But then something snaps me back to reality. This reality normally involves the explanation of trials and tribulations that someone I know trusts me enough to let me in on. Due to this trust, I am not going to blab on here about any details...nothing. My friendships mean more to me than spilling out my friends' devastation on a blog. What they told me in an e-mail was just absolutely heartbreaking. I just got done reading it and I want to cry. I could never imagine going through something like that.

Everybody dies. That is the harsh reality in life. When it involves someone young and completely unexpected it just throws your whole view of EVERYTHING off kilter. There were two guys my age who I went to school with who passed away not too long after graduation. One of the guys was unfortunately murdered, and the other school mate died in his sleep. When I heard about both of their deaths it was devastating, and I rarely spoke to them! 

 Starting college was extremely overwhelming for me. I have always been the shy girl who only speaks to new people after they have initiated the conversation. I was lucky enough to know two girls when I started. We had all three worked together as cashiers at Home Depot that summer. Luckily, even with my shyness, we were able to meet a few new friends and after that our group grew to be like 25 of us!!!  

One of my new friends was named Jerri. She was the life of the party. She was so outgoing and completely opposite of myself. I loved who she was almost instantly! Her personality was INFECTIOUS! Jerri left college and moved back home with her parents after about two years. We lost touch, but I thought about her a lot still. She was my Jerri, and I missed her terribly! Almost two years ago I was in my car during my first break at work when I received a text message from our mutual friend Sam. It said that Jerri had gotten into a one car roll over accident early that morning and did not make it. I was absolutely crushed! Nothing and nobody can ever prepare you for a shock like that. It was horrible, and every time I think of her I still break down and cry. 

Then there was Justin. He was unlike anybody I have ever met before. He was the sweetest, kindest, gentlest man I have ever known. We went to Junior High together and became fast friends. He was my Britney Spears buddy!!! We both were HUUUGE fans!!! It was super cool to share that with him!!! When I moved down to college I lost touch with a lot of friends including Justin. I will never forget the day my boyfriend and I decided to go to the Mall of America. We were hungry so we went to the food court and I received a text message that said "I see you!" It freaked me out at first because I did not recognize the number! Low and behold I turned around and Justin was there!!! We embraced in a big hug, spoke for a few minutes and went our separate directions. Unfortunately, I was only able to see him two more times before he passed away around a month ago. At first everybody thought that he had died from a heart attack but a day or so later it was concluded that he died of a torn Aorta.  Again, instant devastation! Why did this happen to him? Why did this happen to her? 

I have been to well over 30 funerals in my lifetime. Death is something that I have grown up with. At least once or twice a year I am attending a funeral. I always thought that the more funerals I would go to the easier they will get. That, my friends, is false. It never gets easier because you are not grieving the death but you are grieving the person. Each personality is different and that is why losing a loved one is always going to be hard. So what snapped me back to reality this time? Life is too short; embrace it and embrace the people you love and cherish because you never know when your last day will be with them. It's a sad yet very true reality. Only the good die young....... 

Thank you for reading, 

                                                       -XOXO K.C.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Weird Dream

I have become fast friends with a co-worker of mine named Kim.  Kim fosters dogs through a few different local rescues so we definitely share the love of dogs.  She invited me to go with her to the local off leash dog park with my dog Kynzi, and we have been going ever since.

Anyways, it was about a week ago that I woke up early and decided to lay back down for a little while longer.  I had the weirdest dream, and Kim was my co-pilot!

Here it is:

It started off with Kim and I going on a road trip.  My dog Kynzi tagged along and Kim's dog Toby did as well!  Then my dream cut to us walking through some building and EVERYBODY was drunk surrounding us.  It was almost like we were down somewhere when Spring Break was occurring!  We were just walking through a hallway with stairs until we found a restaurant to eat at.  We were starving!  All in the mean time, Kynzi and Toby were following us.  My dream then cut to us driving to a different town.  I don't know what town it is.  I have never been there before, but I have always had dreams about this little town ever since I was little.  It has cobblestone walk ways, everybody is friendly, and I always go to the same store which has never been remodeled.  It would probably remind someone of a small Irish town possibly.  I'm not sure though, because I have never been to Ireland.

Anyways, so then we leave my dream town, and we are driving towards another destination.  We are on a back road and then the road changes in front of us and I have to jerk the steering wheel  to avoid the now non-paved area.  We drive around the just-arrived entrance ramp to the Freeway.  Just imagine those BIG staircases that go up and around in a big circle in a huge mansion.  THAT is what the entrance ramp was like.

Much like this one...

So, we get onto the freeway and there is a whole bunch of construction going on.  Cones all over the place and there is no one driving through it except for us.  In front of me appears this HUGE construction vehicle.  I'm talking like 10 times the size of a normal one and there are these two mini construction workers standing at the front right of the vehicle.  I had to swerve to avoid them because they were not noticed until the last split second!  Then right after there were these HUMONGOUS robot dinosaurs all over the road!  There were people surrounding each one.  They seemed almost like trainers to these robots.  We stopped and asked them what the heck was going on and one of the trainers who was dressed up in army garb explained to us that the robots were going to be used in combat.

We start driving again and then the freeway abruptly ends again and we are on a side road.  The brakes FAIL!  We can not stop so we just coast along the road until the jeep that we are driving finally stops.....RIGHT outside of an auto repair shop.  A man walks out and says that my mom had called him and he was expecting us.  The dream ends.

Is that not one of the weirdest dreams EVER?!?!  I wanted to blog about it because I didn't want to forget about it, and I wanted Kim to read about it since she was the lucky one to be a part of it!  Thanks for reading!