Thursday, February 24, 2011

To my friends...

I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!  I am seriously so sick of my life right now.  College CONSUMES me.  I have NO time to do anything. I have college during the week and then I work during the weekends.  Any couple hours of free time I'm either working on homework or trying to catch up on sleep!  I wish I was done...I am FINALLY in my 4th year.  It feels like I have been here FOREVER!!!  There are so many people that I haven't seen in so long that I miss terribly!  I MISS ALL OF MY FRIENDS!  My fun, quirky, crazy friends!  The ones that are still sticking with me even though I feel like the worst friend in the world!  I'M SORRY!!!  I don't mean to be!  When I say I have no time, I have NO time!  Luckily, I will be graduating in the beginning of December.  I will FINALLY have my life back!  Don't get me wrong...I've met some awesome people down in Kato and I wouldn't take any of it back.  Sam, Kristen,'ve kept me sane and I love you guys so much!  You are my favorites!  But, a part of my heart is hollow because of the friends that were 'left behind.'  Please realize that I still love all of you guys!  Tina!  You are my sister!  You are my family!  I miss you every day!  You are the hardest friend to be away from!  I can't wait until I am finally home FOR GOOD.  I have A LOT of catching up to do with all of you.....and I'm REALLY looking forward to getting my life back!!!!  I love and miss you all!        


Any opinions?