Friday, May 18, 2018

Our scars do not define us

I am not sure how many of you have heard about this, but back in November the country singer ,Carrie Underwood, had a freak accident at her home when letting her dogs out.  She ended up having to get stitches on her face by her mouth.  She also broke her wrist.  She stayed away from the public eye for months after the accident embarrassed of how she will look different than before. 

She has now started coming out of her 'woah is me' shell again.  A few days ago I watched an interview with her and to no surprise she looks the EXACT same.  I see no scar.  I see nothing different about her face.  A part of me is thinking 'good for her,' but another part of me is thinking, 'what a drama queen.' 

Here is a recent picture of Mrs. Carrie Underwood:

Image result for Carrie Underwood's scar

Here is a close up of her scar on her upper lip area:

Image result for Carrie Underwood's scar

I am not seeing too much of a difference which is frustrating for someone like me as I have an extremely visible facial scar from when I was a little girl.

When I was young I was bit in the face by an Australian Shepherd named Paco.  I loved that dog.  He was my father's roommate's dog and whenever I went to visit him I looked forward to visiting with Paco as well.  It was fall and right before Halloween.  My Dad had ordered pizza for us for dinner and after we were finished eating we were going to carve pumpkins.  When I was finished eating I went over to Paco and gave him a hug.  It wasn't tight and it wasn't quick or aggressive.  Paco must have gotten scared and he attempted to bite me and missed and then tried one more time and succeeded.  I remember after it happened I wasn't fazed.  I didn't even realize that I actually had been bitten until my Dad told me.  I looked in the mirror and right below my right eye I had a gash that was bleeding pretty well.  My Dad brought me to the emergency room and I had to get stitches.  I can't remember how many, but there was a lot.  We were told by the doctor that I was lucky that Paco did not crack or break my Zygomatic or Maxilla bones.

Image result for bones by the eye
Zygomatic and Maxilla Bones
  I ended up getting a really bad infection due to something in Paco's saliva.  My wound puffed up to twice its size and was red and inflamed until the medicine kicked in.  Some of the school kids would pick on me because my wound looked so disgusting .  Even if I would have wanted to hide I couldn't.

Shame on Carrie for hiding for so long for such a minimal scar.  Is she really that egotistical?  Does her importance revolve around her beauty and not her personality?  It's quite sad actually. 

Image may contain: Jacob Bahr and Kari Bahr, beard and closeup
My Husband and I - My scar is under my right eye
My scar does not define me.  My husband tells me on a regular basis that he loves my scar and that it is cute.  I would not go that far, but it is nice to know that he accepts me for me.  Beauty is not only skin deep.  I would rather have 1,000 scars on my face than have an ugly heart and soul.  I hope that Carrie will stop making such a huge deal about her scar.  She is not the only one that has a scar on her face.  I am living proof.

Until next time,